#so uh if anyone's interested to see something like that lemme know i guess
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cel-aerion · 2 months ago
First Nights at Freddy's - Movie Soundtrack/Score in Order
Because I am a nerd and wanted to figure out for myself which songs appeared where, I have gone through and made a playlist of First Nights at Freddy's that combines the score and the soundtrack, and puts them in the order they appear. The playlist length seems excessive because some songs have only a portion played (e.g. "Hey-O!" is over a minute, but is only seen in the film for seven seconds; the track "Hiccups" includes the intro it had when it was in the individual "Web of Lies" video during the "Previously on..." bit, but that's absent here, etc), but as near as I can tell from listening while going through things, this is what I've come up with.
This does not include songs released on the soundtrack that do not seem to actually be in the movie, just because that's not what this playlist is for. (And I'm hoping I didn't just totally miss all of them being in here somehow??? I would feel very silly if I spent so long on this and then was just oblivious to a whole seven songs.)
Under the cut is the listing for where the songs appear in the movie.
1 - How It All Began - 0:04-0:38 2 - It's Him - 0:42-2:48 3 - Welcome to Fredbear's - 2:49-4:31 4 - Quirkiness Runs in the Family - 4:36-5:10 5 - Hey-O! - 5:12-5:19 6 - A Poor Investment - 5:20-6:25 7 - Ground Zero - 6:45-9:51/10:13-11:03/11:12-11:32 8 - So It Begins… - 11:37-12:29 9 - Calling for an Update - 12:32-13:30 10 - Between Jobs - 13:30-14:40 11 - Down the Rabbit Hole - 14:41-16:20 12 - Hiccups - 16:23-18:45 13 - Web of Lies - 18:46-22:38 14 - It's Been Seven Years - 23:00-23:34 15 - The New Server Manager - 23:34-25:21 16 - Sickly Sweet and Terrified - 25:23-26:43 17 - Open Bracket - 26:44-27:25 18 - Be Careful What You Wish For - 27:25-28:20 19 - You're the Boss - 28:21-29:31 *20 - ?? - 29:34-29:41 21 - Boxbound - 29:44-30:16 22 - Sketchy Business - 30:19-31:34 23 - Baby's Story - 31:38-32:51 24 - Dark Remains - 32:56-36:59 25 - Think Inside the Box - 37:03-37:34 26 - Spring Locks Tend to Fail - 37:34-39:19 27 - A Giant Freaking Rabbit - 39:20-41:41 28 - Superheroes - 41:43-42:25 29 - I Was Born Freddy - 42:30-43:56 30 - Robotic Fox - 43:56-44:56 31 - Act Natural - 44:57-46:06 32 - Pizza to Go - 46:07-46:30
33 - Setting Us Up the Bomb - 46:33-46:56 34 - Boneless Pizza - 46:57-47:37 35 - Off With His Hands - 47:39-48:20 36 - The Great Pizzescape - 48:21-49:23 37 - Two Miserable Monsters - 49:25-51:55 38 - Pan Stambush - 51:56-54:01 39 - Baby I Love Youk - 54:04-54:15 40 - Taxi Driver for a Bunch of Puppets - 54:16-55:56 41 - A Rabbit Out of Your Hat - 55:59-58:16 42 - Fear Is Like a Hammer - 58:17-1:00:30 43 - Shadows of Agony - 1:00:30-1:03:00 44 - Olly Olly Oxen-Free - 1:03:00-1:04:36 45 - Currently Running - 1:04:35-1:05:02 46 - You've Helped Enough - 1:05:03-1:06:06 47 - Returned to Sender - 1:06:08-1:07:09 48 - Freddy Fazburglar - 1:07:09-1:08:09 49 - Taking Back Fazbear's - 1:08:10-1:10:19 50 - Reunited - 1:10:22-1:10:52 51 - This Is My Restaurant - 1:10:54-1:12:19 52 - Saving Springtrap - 1:12:20-1:14:35 53 - Another Three Points - 1:14:37-1:15:08 54 - Who Here Wants a Harecut - 1:15:09-1:18:06 55 - Virus - 1:18:07-1:20:35 56 - The Battle for Fazbear's - 1:20:47-1:24:55 57 - We Thrive on Violence - 1:25:03-1:27:08 58 - Don't Wake the Baby - 1:27:12-1:29:28 59 - Ready to Retire - 1:29:33-1:31:29 60 - Extra Raisins - 1:31:43-1:33:06 61 - Afraid of the Dark - 1:33:07-1:34:18 62 - Baby I Loved You - 1:34:17-1:37:06 63 - Secret Scene - 1:37:06-1:37-44
*There is one sound cue, in the list as Track 20, that I cannot for the life of me figure where it's from. If anyone else knows, please let me know so I can keep from going insane trying to work it out.
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deadinyourarea · 1 year ago
So which Gotham survival rule are you planning on breaking first?
well actually, lets see:
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I dont own pepperspray. I dont plan to own pepperspray. The last time someone let me use pepperspray, I sprayed myself on accident.
bullet proof vest? hah. You're funny.
If I needed to run I'd fly
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I haven't taken a self defense class- not a certified by officials, one at least. I think the stuff I learned is better anyways
You cant rob me if you cant touch me!
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ha- no
HA! no
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interesting. Guessing this is because he's the morning guy?
what the fuck
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I think I will do what I want, thank you. Silly riddles from the silly guy!
... interesting
oh! oh?
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silly man is actually frightening, you say? Good for him, good for him.
I dont think I want to know anyone on robin's bad side if it's that easy to get on his good side
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HA! NO. I could probably beat his ass. Maybe. Perhaps. Probably. Isn't he like... old or something...
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aw, thats sweet
interesting 2.0
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if im in gotham and supermans in gotham- I'm no longer in gotham. Got it?
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HAH! No, No, No, and uh... lemme see.... no! Big "Nah" ya'gettme?
and yeah- thats it
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baconvonmoose · 1 month ago
Hi, thank you for sharing information about the wendigo and other stories! I've been finding it very interesting to read about, and would love to learn more. I've first heard about the wendigo in until dawn and I was wondering what parts true and what was maybe made up for the game (mechanics?). The next things are in the game:
1. In the game they are very fast, but can't see still objects very well. So in the game you need to stand still to not be seen/killed.
2. You also shouldn't kill them, because that would release the wendigo spirit to possess someone else.
3. The spirit would influence people into cannibalism when the people are desperate. Which then turns that person/the person gets possessed and changes
4. The spirits live on holy grounds that is the mountain the game takes place in.
5. Cannibalism outside of that holy ground wouldn't turn someone.
6. The wendigo can't be harmed unless you first burn them/their skin /can only be killed with fire.
7. The game implies that once turned, the wendigo are immortal.
8. I was wondering how much the appearance in the game is correct. You said that there are differences between tribes, so I assume that's also true for the appearances. In the game they don't look like ordinary humans once turned. They slowly change appearance and get stronger even without eating more people and there is a final appearance.
I feel like I've worded things wrong, and if I did, please let me know. English isn't my first language so I couldn't figure out how to better word it.
Thank you in advance for reading all this and maybe answering if you want to. I'd love to learn more. Do you happen to know some credible sources I could go to to read more about indigenous stories in general? No worries if not of course
Hello! Uh, lemme see here. Disclaimer, I can only speak for MY tribe's version of the Wendigo, some tribes have variations.
1: Never heard this one. Kinda sounds like a chupacabra or something lmao.
2: Also never heard this, but it doesn't sound like that much of a stretch?
3: This is completely true and correct.
4: Sometimes, not exclusively.
5: Not necessarily true, probably more of a game balance mechanic.
6: Never heard this specific interpretation, might be true for the variants that are sort of ice-creatures specifically, some tribes (including mine) say they have a frozen heart and that being near fire will cause them to freak out and it's how you can find them sometimes, so not that far fetched. (In the versions I was told they were pretty much unbeatable.)
7: Generally true yes.
8: This is pretty accurate, they look like normal humans. Part of the threat is that they can be anyone you know who has been corrupted by the spirit. The 'slowly changing' thing is true for some interpretations and not others. I thiiink it's Cree or Ashinaabi that say that with each heart of a human they consume they grow larger and more monstrous.
As far as I can tell, you didn't word anything wrong! I wouldn't have guessed you weren't a native English speaker. Thanks for your questions!
I unfortunately don't have a huge amount of sources for native American legends because most of it isn't written, but you could check out this website: http://www.native-languages.org/languages.htm It's a website for languages but there is also information about legends there. This part has Wendigo stuff: http://www.native-languages.org/windigo.htm (Note, this lore isn't all MY tribe, it's a lot of other tribe's lore so it's a different variation of the information I just gave you)
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queenofbaws · 1 year ago
ten first lines!!!
the DELIGHTFUL @theartofdreaming1 tagged me in this, and it looked like a blast, so i thought i'd give it a go! ;)c you should check out her version here too, btw!!!
rules: list the first line of your last 10 (posted) fics and see if there's a pattern.
1. the tale(s) of the champion - It would’ve been a gross understatement to suggest Hawke’s appearance in Skyhold had created a stir.
2. on the necessity of rewrites - In the story he'd tell later, the Seeker pacing before him wearing a scowl heavier than all that Chantry-issued armor of hers, there'd be applause.
3. of mummy men & bathtub soup - The week hadn’t been going, uh, well, great.
4. the ashley brown christmas special - By the time the knocking started, Ashley had totally gotten over the whole ‘alone for Christmas’ thing.
5. (ugly) sweater weather - The music playing full blast over the bedroom speakers claimed this was the most wonderful time of the year, but Emily wasn’t buying it.
6. cranberry season - As far as Friendsgiving feasts went, Emma thought she’d done pretty well!
7. like wringing blood from a stone - Six years she’d been having the dream.
8. the (parent)s - For the better part of a minute, they just looked at it.
9. in the woods somewhere - As Jessica lay staring up at the teeny, tiny pinprick of daylight above her, there was a singular thought she couldn’t shake from her head: It wasn’t supposed to be so bright underground.
10. not the kind of roulette you want to go betting on - “Hello again."
so. do i see a pattern here????????? not so much. i guess if you squint and tilt your head to the side, you could say that i try and really establish something in the first sentence, clearly i'm...i'm going for something, but i'll let you guys in on a little secret if you huddle in close...my biggest pattern when it comes to first lines is, ummmmm, overthinking them. 🤣 i am 100% someone who gets totally caught up in OH GEEZ THIS IS THE FIRST THING SOMEONE'S GOING TO SEE mindset, so it's a little hard for me to see past that. hbu??? you guys seeing a pattern in there??? lemme know ;)c
as for tagging...off the top of my head, i'd love to see what @unicornaffair @jadedsunshine @icequeen-07 @love-fireflysong @phenanthreneblue @big-ass-magnet @mrs-theirin have going on in their stuff!!! and, of course, anyone else who's interested in throwing their first lines out there! yes, even you. in fact, know what? especially you! <3
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callibones · 6 months ago
uhhh hh ..... hello! this is the same anon who sent in that ask about object camps. the camps you suggested sound really interesting! im a little too scared to join them for now haha but they sound really cool. they will rotate in my mind for a while i think HGFDSFGHJGFDSDFGH other than that .. 1 . i came across the wiki camp two and it looked so creative and interesting to me! i dont program in css that often anymore but the site makes me wanna go over and put in a bunch of pages. problem is.. i don't know how to Apply? or Do Anything? rn the site is locked for voting but just in general i tried reading the rules but still couldn't understand how it worked. if you knew anything about it that'd be nice. it also seems to have a discord server..? again im scared to check myself but if youre in it i wanna know whether it's a nice space to be in.
2 . uhhghgfdghj i peered through the rest of the blog and found the shelled one blaseball fic you posted ? and i think im really Normal about it. So after reading that i now trust your fanfic opinions. are there any other blaseball fics you'd strongly recommend? and uh general.. uh, evil mind controlly fics would be really nice too (the book of bill is also sort of ruining me along with this so i am truly looking for ANYTHING and like omg hbdxszexrdcfdsxrctvdxszaf) and thats all i wanted to ask you! sorry this is getting REALLY LONG i wish you well and i am So Sorry for bothering you!
HELLO AGAIN! not botherin me at all. :-] i was hopin youd find that answer.... i made sure to answer it at the same time u sent the question so you'd have a MAXIMUM CHANCE of findin it, and u Did! so Yay! welcome back. im going to tag my answers to your Post's with 🩸🟪 so we Never Get Separated Again. but i want you to know.... i don't bite! i literally can't on account of my face is a monitor. so if you wanna chat, feel free to dm me! you seem like a really fun person and we clearly have a lotta interest's in common so Consider That: An Option.
1) the wiki camp 2 is ABSOLUTELY a welcoming community. in fact, check this out: here's an index of plainly written explanations of various community in-jokes, to ensure nobody's left confused! while i'm not super active on the discord due to hyperfixating on single spaces at a time like some sort of cryptid, i have a lot of wonderful friends in the community and i'd wholeheartedly call it nice.
you don't have to apply to write, either! while i don't think there's an ETA yet on when the wiki's re-opening, whenever it does you'll be able to make an account for free and start creating to your heart's content! sometimes people who do that even get roped into the camp due to Token Shenanigans....
2) look. i get it. how much do i get it? the post you're talking about was written by my bill cipher fictive. and guess what book made me pick THAT thing up? we're in the same boat. i'm (RELATIVELY) normal 'round these parts, but if you do end up dropping me a line, maybe you'll happen upon some of my stuff? just sayin'. but as for what i can do for ya at the desk here...
thing is, i actually haven't read that much blaseball fanfic. i know! i WANT to. i have a list, which i'll reblog with your special tag right after this. but my brain doesn't let me read a lotta long stuff these days, which is SUCKS! i might poke around some tags and see what i can find, but that spectacular shelled one fic's the only one of its kind i know.
if you wanna read something Long and Serious and Really Really Good that's haunted me for years, put your eyes on Oil and Water, the shoe thieves disaster marriage classic about grief and autism and family and other such things.
then read everything else that catches your fancy, and send me your picks! and hey. if anyone reading this wants to help a cute anon out and knows some fics (or wrote some fics) that fit the Bill i mean the bill, PLEASE lemme know!! i Understand wanting more evil mind control. it's kind of my whole thing. PLUS i'm literally the shelled one's favorite
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jewwyfeesh · 1 year ago
Recollections And Heartfelt Wishes 4
Writer: Mitsuki
Character(s): Oogami Koga, Kiryu Kuro, Nito Nazuna, Otogari Adonis, Mashiro Tomoya
Translated by: stcrfeesh
CN/EN Proof by: jewwyfeesh
Nazuna: You don’t wanna scare the kids away, right? Why don’t you try dressing up as a mascot?
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Season: Summer Location: Amusement Park Stage
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Koga: Whew… Playin’ the entire mornin’s pretty tiring too, huh. I mean, I’m not hungry, since I bought snacks while I was at it. I just need to look for a place to rest, that’s all.
Adonis: Hm. This place sells quality meat, I could already smell the fragrance from a mile away. I couldn’t help but want to try them all…
All the rides here are pretty interesting too. Whether it’s an adult or a child, anyone would enjoy it.
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Oogami, thanks for inviting me here today.
Koga: Man, what are you even thankin’ me for~ ‘Sides, Kiryu-senpai gave me these tickets, and I don’t wanna be ungrateful, so let’s have some fun today, a’ight?
Lemme take a look at the map… right now, we’re probably near the stage area. There clearly ain’t any performances goin’ on up there, but a bunch of people are all gathered ‘round.
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Adonis: Really…? But there’s nothing on the brochure about any performances being held at this time either. Could there be a different event?
Nazuna: …… ♪
Adonis: Huh? That guy below the stage distributing flyers to people, isn’t that Nito-senpai?
There’s a group of kids playing with the mascot next to him too. They seem like they’re having fun.
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Koga: Well, no shit… We should probably go there and greet senpai, but it looks like that guy’s busy. He might not have the time to entertain us.…?
Why’s that mascot walking towards us? Could it be that someone else from Ra*bits is wearin’ that mascot?
Adonis: Based on the height of that thing, I wouldn’t say it could be…
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Kuro: Phew… I could finally take a breather… this thing’s pretty hot to be in if you wear it for too long.
Oh, Oogami, Otogari, are the both of you havin’ fun?
Adonis: Kiryu-senpai…?
Koga: Huh… I already guessed that you’d probably show up today, but I didn’t think you’d show up like this, in a mascot… I think it’s a fresh look on you.
Kuro: Haha, ya think so? To be honest, I never thought that I’d be dressin’ up as a mascot at an amusement park either.
[An hour ago.]
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Nazuna: Kuro-chin! Thanks for watching us perform today! I immediately spotted you from the crowd earlier, you know~
Kuro: Haha, you guys did great today, Nito. Who knew it would suit Ra*bits to perform at an amusement park? The atmosphere instantly became lively, even.
Nazuna: Well, we did practise for hours so we could do well on this gig. Just being able to see everyone with the biggest smiles on their faces, is already the best reward we could receive ♪
Tomoya: Nii~chan! Uhm, uh… could I talk to you about something for a sec?
So, you see, when I went to meet with the amusement park’s staff earlier, they asked us for an extension with promoting the special event they’ll be hosting this Summer since our performance earlier garnered a good response from the audience, and all.
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The thing is, Hajime and Mitsuru won’t be able to stay any longer since they still have work scheduled for later. I was sceptical about accepting the job, cause what if it would be too much for just you and me to handle…
Nazuna: Hm… This side of the park is much more crowded compared to anywhere else, so it might not be doable if it’s just us both…
Though, this could also be a great opportunity to promote Ra*bits… We also attracted a bunch of people that could be potential fans during our performance earlier. If this is the case, then it would be better to go with the flow of things.
It might be difficult, yeah, but if we give it our all—
Kuro: Ah, I more or less understand your predicament. Your issue here is that you lack manpower. Let me help you out, then.
Nazuna: Huh? No way! How could I possibly make you do that? I invited you here to have fun, not get you to work with me!
Kuro: You don’t have to worry about that. I could visit the amusement park anytime if I wanted to. What isn’t acceptable is turnin’ a blind eye to a friend who’s clearly in need.
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Nazuna: Well, if you say so… thanks, Kuro-chin! Uhuu, I really don’t know how else to properly thank you…!
Kuro: Haha, ‘sno problem. Anyways, why don’t ya tell me what needs to be done?
Tomoya: I already talked things through with the staff, would you mind if we did things like this?
Kiryu-senpai, you and I would be stationed at the opposite ends of the plaza distributing balloons, and then Nii~chan who’s got more experience with this will handle the distribution of flyers and answer any follow-up questions the people might have about the event.
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Kuro: A’ight, roger that. Don’t worry, I’ve got this.
Nazuna: Everything’s settled, then! Let’s do our best, everyone ♪
Kuro: (Usin’ balloons for promotion… that does make sense. After all, kids would probably prefer cute things like these over a flyer.)
(If that’s the case, then it shouldn’t be a problem to strike up a conversation first, would it?)
Hey there, bud. This blue balloon’s for ya, I hope you have lots of fun today.
…Oi, don’t run backwards! You might… fall…
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Nazuna: Kuro-chin, you don’t seem to be into this… Don’t force yourself, okay?
Kuro: …Sorry, Nito. I don’t think ‘m suitable for this type of job after all…
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I really tried my best to put on the kindest smile I could muster, but in the end, no one wanted a balloon from me… Hell, I even scared a kid to tears.
His parents assured me and said t’was all good, but I still couldn’t help but feel awful.
Nazuna: No, no, you don’t have to feel bad, you did nothing wrong. It’s actually my fault for not thinking things through…
(No, I won’t have it! I can’t let Kuro-chin leave here with a bad memory! He’s the kindest, most gentle guy I know… how can I make everyone else see that…?)
…I’ve got it! We could try that!
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You don’t wanna scare the kids away, right? Why don’t you try dressing up as a mascot?
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Kuro: So that’s how I ended up lookin’ like this.
A’ight, I should probably go back to help ‘em out. It’s still quite early, you guys should go around and enjoy the park.
Adonis: Are you really going to be alright, Kiryu-senpai? You’ve barely even rested.
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Kuro: Haha, don’t underestimate my strength, buddy. This thing’s got nothin’ on the intense trainin’ I always do.
Though, I dunno what’s goin’ on Mashiro’s end, he seems to have more balloons left to give away. I’ll try to check up on him and help him out in a bit.
Koga: Oi! If it’s manpower you need, then you already should’ve just said so! I literally have nothin’ else to do!
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Promotin’ shit’s a piece of cake to me! Either way, me just acceptin’ those tickets from ya, ain’t sittin’ right with me.
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Adonis: Oogami’s right. Many hands do make light work, after all. Besides, I want to help senpai out too, so please leave this to me.
Kuro: Haha, you guys are pretty insistent, huh. Well, if you guys really insist, follow me.
← Chapter 3 | ES x LC Masterlist | Chapter 5 →
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shinandlux · 2 years ago
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Albert Ritcher 🔵
Sexuality Headcanon: Bi but like the pathetic kind
Gender Headcanon: (MTF)
A ship I have with said character: I know we're past it but I think the ship of him and Eva is still so funny I'm so sorry-
A BROTP I have with said character: Giulia cuz MLM and WLW solidarity but she beats him up is the best
A NOTP I have with said character: Anyone he's currently "Dating"
A random headcanon: Probably doesn't drink stuff like cocktails in public cuz "IT'S GAY"
(Jeje Cock)
General Opinion over said character:
He's sooo baby girrrrl!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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Antonella Parabella ⭐
Sexuality Headcanon: Bi and Aromantic, in the horniest way one can be that
Gender Headcanon: FTM but doesn't know it yet-
A ship I have with said character: Her and the Colonel
Yknow, the godess-
A BROTP I have with said character: She doesn't deserve friends
Also Giulia
A NOTP I have with said character: Al-
A random headcanon: Doesn't belive people actually fall in love, she's convinced it's just a marketing lie
General Opinion over said character:
She's so great and interesting, I can't wait to see her suffer for eternity
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Rodolfo Santana ✝️
Sexuality Headcanon: Gay Gay home of sexual gay
Gender Headcanon: He's cis but like one of the good ones
A ship I have with said character:
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A BROTP I have with said character: Pedro and... Well I guess you can call what Adan had a friendship-
A NOTP I have with said character: Al-
A random headcanon: Has middle life crisis every single day of his life
General Opinion over said character:
Jesús christ man, you want a blanket or something?
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Hana Tojo ❤️
Sexuality Headcanon: Les beans
Gender Headcanon: Cis (But like in a might dabble on other stuff way)
A ship I have with said character: Her dead gf-
And her unrequited crush on Dani is really funny to me-
A BROTP I have with said character: Hei Ran
A NOTP I have with said character: Idk.... Al???
A random headcanon: She drowns herself on sweets everyday cuz goddammit any other addiction would make her job even harder so she has to settle for this >:[
General Opinion over said character:
Baby girrrrl I'm so sorrryyyy, come ere lemme hug youuu
Don't kill me pleaaaaaa-
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Pedro Santana ☘️
Sexuality Headcanon: Bi Bi Bi Bi
Gender Headcanon: Cis but gets gnc from time to time
A ship I have with said character: Uh... Idk Adan-
A BROTP I have with said character: Rodolfo and Lui
A NOTP I have with said character: Lucía-
A random headcanon: He wears eyeshadow and eyeliner I'm sorry babe but you can't convince me of otherwise
General Opinion over said character:
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raven-at-the-writing-desk · 2 years ago
Malleus, Ace: Not a Star in Heaven
I find it interesting that Malleus said he walks by Ramshackle less often these days. (I guess he wants to be respectful of the new residents?? Or maybe he doesn’t like the noise) 🤔
It's also nice to see Malleus finally acknowledge that he has various people he can speak with and that don't fear him (like Adeuce); I've always found it kind of odd that the main story puts such emphasis on how people don't approach or engage with Malleus when we clearly see him interact with others (not limited to, but including: Cater, Rook, and most other dorm leaders) in respectful, but not always totally amicable, ways in vignettes and some events.
… The Groovy reminds me of the time a friend took a sample of Malleus’s skin color from one of his card artworks 😂 and we were both shocked at how close he was to being the hex code #FFFFFF (aka white as heck). Yes I’m making another High School Musical pun 🌟
A Boy in Bloom, and his Flowering Future.
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"What do you do on your days off?"
"It is nothing particularly of note. When I am able to find the time, I am drawn to playing the violin or settling in with a good book."
The delivery of his words came with perfect grace and perfect poise. Elegance befitting royalty, and he who represented the spirit of the noble Thorn Fairy.
Malleus Draconia brushed off an invisible fleck of dust from his dark robes. The stars woven into them with golden thread glimmered from the movement. "Ah, yes. I do also enjoy the occasional stroll, wandering wherever my whims may take me."
"Wow, classy. I guess I shouldn't have expected anything less from a hotshot like you, Malleus-senpai!" Wearing a cheeky grin, Ace leaned forward. "Sooo, what kinda places do you hang around at? I heard from the Prefect that you just pulled up on their front lawn in the middle of the night."
"You've heard." The corners of Malleus's mouth curled upward, bemused. "Alas, Ramshackle has become more lively as of late. It would be rude of me to intrude on the new tenants as I have in the past. These days, I am more likely to see myself to the town, seeking antiques or archaic texts."
"Lemme guess, Sebek threw a fit about the route change?" Ace snickered like an elementary schooler. "I bet he did. Dude always does whenever you're faced with some mild inconvenience."
Straightening and puffing out his chest, the first year adopted a gruff, rumbling voice and an intense glare—a mocking imitation of Sebek. "Why, the NERVE of that human to not grovel and kiss your boots and beg for forgiveness for bumping into you in the hallway, Young Master!! Dishonor on them, dishonor on their family, DISHONOR ON THEIR COW!!"
Malleus stared at him.
"... Too much?" Ace asked weakly.
"My attendants do not accompany me on my walks," Malleus clarified, cooly dispelling the awkwardness. "They are strictly solitary happenings."
"Huh, so not even Silver-senpai or Lilia-senpai joins you?"
"Unless you mean to say that the definition of 'solitary' has changed in the last millennia, yes."
"And Sebek just... lets it happen?"
"Rather than 'letting it happen', it would be more accurate to say that I have already departed long before anyone has realized." Mischief shone in his emerald-set eyes.
Ace's jaw slackened. "No way. You seriously just screw off like that? Sounds like something I'd do, not something a fancy schmancy prince! Don’t you get an earful about it when you get back?”
"Hoh? It seems you speak from personal experience, Trappola,” Malleus smirked, “seeing as Rosehearts oft goes about punishing you for your rebellion.”
“Urk!! You, uh… kinda got me there.”
“Not to worry. I shall be discreet—just as you will be discreet about my walks, correct?” There was a quiet yet dangerous insistence laced in his voice, compelling Ace to gulp and nod, complying.
“You don’t like hanging out with other people or something?”
“I am accustomed to being on my own. This is no different than the norm.”
“Well, I don’t know how it was for you before, but it sounds like you’re going out of your way to be alone now." Ace shrugged. "Isn't that just making things worse for you? It's not like you're making an effort to reach out to others or to communicate with them. You won't make any friends like that."
His bluntness—and the audacity of it—struck Malleus like lighting to his heart. The truth, cold and hard and pointed.
"Friends, you say..." He let the word linger in the space between them. Pride and hurt—and perhaps hurt pride—swirling. “Hmph. How brazen of you to make such accusations to my face. You know not how to hold your tongue—nor do you know true fear.”
The air crackled, suddenly thick and heavy with tension. The bright, sunny day stilled.
“Hah?! A-Are you gonna strike me down?!“ Ace took a hasty step back and braced himself. Holy crap, this is 100 times worse than getting collared!!
“… It was a joke.”
“It was?!”
“Of course.” Malleus chuckled, offering a small, if not smug, smile. “I am not opposed to being approached by those unafraid to speak their minds. That is what separates Night Raven College from the rest. It is a place full of interesting individuals.
“Yourself, Spade, the Prefect—there is no shortage of those who are willing to challenge me.”
“And that’s… a good thing?” Ace blinked, bewildered. Riddle-ryocho’s on my ass all the time, so I didn’t think I’d get praised for acting out…
Malleus nodded solemnly. “These are experiences I could never have were I to continue my studies exclusively in Briar Valley. It it because of my training at Night Raven College that I can broaden my horizons.”
“Eh, but you’ll still have powers us plebs can never hope to know.”
The birthday boy laid a hand on the main building behind them. Tall, grand, and imposing—it was everything he was, built of magic and marvels.
What would remain once time and weather had eroded it away to ancient ruins? Only the memories he had made while he was there.
“… There are some wishes that magic alone cannot grant,” Malleus said, mystery drenching bis every syllable. “I can fly as far as I like. There is not a star in heaven I cannot reach. Still…”
I never feel fulfilled.
His eyes fluttered shut, contemplative.
He had been in that grassy field, Lilia at his side, and surrounded by teary reunions. Classmates and friends, dorm leaders and vices and their members. Trading hugs and relieved words.
Lilia had turned to him then, face shining like the full moon.
“Human lives are as thin and as fragile as the threads on a spindle. But through their companionship, they are able to weave together to create something far stronger. Such friendships are able to transcend their short lifespans.
“Malleus, we are able to share the world with these wonderful people. Isn’t that magical?”
That is why we must treasure the here and now, before that time slips away from us.
He returned his gaze to his underclassman. “Trappola.”
Ace jumped. “Y-Yeah? What is it?”
“Consider yourself fortunate.” Malleus smiled with his teeth. “For you are an acquaintance of mine.”
“I guess I am…?” Ace tried to return the friendliness, but faltered. “Cool! Wait ‘til I brag to my big bro that I know the Malleus Draconia. He won’t believe it!”
“Fufufu. Perhaps he would be more inclined to believe were I to appear on the doorstep of your household.”
Ace immediately paled. “My whole family’s gonna pass out if you do that!!”
“Acquaintances host other acquaintances at their abodes, no?” His tone was teasing, like fingers raking across bare skin.
“Please tell me that’s another bad joke, Malleus-senpai!! You’re not being serious, right? RIGHT?!”
“I eagerly await your invitation.”
Ace caught the splintered trickery in Malleus’s eyes before the takeoff—one so forceful that it sent him hurtling back. He landed on his bum, mouth hanging open in shock.
“Heeeey! You still didn’t answer my question!!”
Malleus launched into the sky upon his broomstick. Truthfully, he was fine without any magical implements to aid him—but tradition called for the show, flowers and all.
He raised a hand, shielding his eyes against the sun. It was strong today, in spite of it being the middle of a chilling winter season and drifting snow. Light and warmth where there should have been bleakness and cold.
Weather every bit as defiant as the humans around him.
Malleus extended his hand, catching a piece of falling snow in his palm. Sunlight streamed through his fingertips—and it, combined with his body heat, melted the snow into cool water.
It had lived and died in but a few breaths. So many of them around him, snuffed out so soon.
“Malleus, we are able to share the world with these wonderful people. Isn’t that magical?”
Yes, it is.
He closed his fingers and brought them to his chest.
I can fly anywhere I like. I can reach any star in heaven. But I cannot yet understand the hearts of mankind. That… is why I am here at Night Raven College.
To learn of that special enchantment.
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 3 years ago
Can I requeat hdcs for Sun/Moon x reader? Reader already had a tattoo depicting the sun and moon before their meeting, just like the face of our beloved animatronic! And at their first acquaintance, they decided to show him such a coincidence.
While visiting Pizzaplex with family/by yourself for the first time, you noticed the Sun/Moon character posters and plushies all around, deciding to ask someone who they were.
One tired-looking employee mentioned the Daycare Attendant, but you prob wouldn't have a chance to see him since it's near closing time.
You just said "bet" and made your way there, as you had a tattoo that--coincidentally--showed the sun and moon. Something in your mind told you that it would be a nice little surprise for him, even though you didn't know anything about him besides his name.
So you made your way there and reached the ground level to see...
It was daytime and he was stacking cans, with Wet Floor Bots cleaning up the spilled soda. He kept yammering at them, telling them what to do and where to go.
When he spots you, a more grown-up person, he panics for a minute and asks if you lost your child before swearing he checked every nook and cranny three times now-
But you calm him down by reassuring him you weren't looking for anyone.
"Well then maybe you slipped in here by mistake! Happens all the time! Though you grown-ups should be more careful! Here lemme show you the dooooooor?" He trails off as you show him your tattoo.
"Funny coincidence, right?" You grin. "I didn't know there was someone themed after the sun and moon til I came here."
"Oh...OH!!!! IT'S ME!!!" He laughs, jumping up and down. "It's so pretty!!! What a coincidence indeed!!! Does this mean I'm your favorite???"
"Uh, yep. Pretty much. I guess this is free advertising."
It was nighttime, nothing but stars on the walls and ceiling illuminating the place, and he was....swimming through the air?
You weren't sure what to think of this character as he unlatched from the railing and nearly pounced on you.
"A grown-up? What are you doing here?" He hisses in a creepy voice that made you wonder how he was suitable for a daycare, but you wouldn't judge.
"Ah, I just...thought this would be cool to show you." You awkwardly smile and show off your tattoo, which he stares at for a moment.
"I like it. Such pretty craters I have." Moon cackles. "This can't be a coincidence."
"But it is. I'm a new visitor and I just learned about you and Sun now."
"Interesting.." He hums.
Deep down, he's genuinely delighted to find someone who loves both parts of him, especially when he's the more terrifying one to many children.
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whysodelirious08 · 3 years ago
He ain't like the rest
- A Eddie Munson x OC Danny (Autistic) short story
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Pairing: Eddie Munson x OC Danny (Autistic)
Summary: a cute friendship with some angst and a twist.
Genre: Fluff, angst, minor friendly
TW: Swearing, Slurs (retard), autism.
Word Count: 3k
A/N: Hi! Hope you like this little story. As always I can add onto this story with another part. Just wanted to show some Autism Visibility for those who don't see it very often. I can make a E.M x Autistic Reader if you guys want.
(Please comment if you liked it! I'd really appreciate feedback. As well as any interaction with this post it's appreciated!)
Danny POV:
"Yo Danny! Wait up!" Daniel heard as he started toward the woods. A heady set of footsteps behind him before he saw the white shoes next to his own. His eyes were on the ground, almost always when he was walking. Unless he was totally alone, he rarely looked up unless he needed to; for crossing the road and such.
"Hey-" the metal head said slightly out of breath from having to jog over. He spoke to Danny normally though knew to expect no vocal reply. The two had known each other for years yet no one knew that, Danny was home-schooled while Eddie studied at Hawkins High. The two never hung out in town either; no shops, no busy places, no where anyone would recognised Eddie. DNny just stayed to the woods, the long forgotten playground and his own house. The places where no one ever was. Other than his family and sometimes Eddie; like in this instance.
"It's been a while. Thought you had left town or somethin" Eddie commented as he followed Danny through the set of trees where a path was starting for form after Danny's daily visits. Danny looked over only for a second, only enough to show he was listening before he carried on. He hummed in response, a rare thing.
"So uh- did you get all your exam shit done? Heard you had to go into school to sit it. Must've been tough. All that noise and people expecting you to actually talk" Eddie chuckled and Danny nodded in agreement to all of what was stated. You see, Eddie did the talking, Danny listened and nodded. That's how it always had been.
Danny hated crowds, noise, new things which included unfamiliar food and drink, he dislikes too many lights, the buzzing from the fridge which he could hear from his bedroom. He struggled to understand social queues and sometimes sarcasm, he couldn't get his head around unsaid rules and unspoken agreements. He needed things to be stated, made obvious. For instructions even if it was something others could just know to do or took initiative to do. He couldn't. If someone needed Danny to do something, they'd need to spell it out or else he wouldn't do it or stand there like a lemon. Eddie knew all this. Eddie was the only one who accepted Danny and his quirks, who tried to understand him. This included Danny's parents, they and Eddie were the only ones who knew Danny.
"What's today adventure? Trolls? Elves? Dragons? Oh! Maybe...werewolves?" Eddie suggested, his hands moving whimsically as he smiled, trying to guess what Danny was up to this time. Danny shook his head and stopped, moving to pull a large book out from his backpack, a bird book with lots of tags where Danny had been researching, clearly a new interest taking over his life.
"Birds? No mystical adventure today? Shame! I needed some inspiration for a campaign" Eddie chuckled before looking over Danny's shoulder while Danny pointed to a bird he was searching for which would explain the binoculars that hung around his neck.
"Here. Lemme try and find it!" Eddie said and took the binoculars off Danny and held them to his eyes every now and then while they walked. Once spotted he flapped a hand around to try and find Danny and get their attention before handing them the bonus to see.
"Finally! I thought we wouldn't find it!" Eddie explained and watched as Danny pulled away from the boot that Eddie was holding, bouncing a little while humming quite loudly, clearly very happy at Eddie's find. Eddie wouldn't admit it but he lived for the moments he saw Danny like this, happy in his own kind of way. Happy in a way that others usually called him weird for. The bouncing, the hand flapping, the happy hums and squels. Those noises were the most vocal responses anyone would get from Danny.
The day carried on like that. One bird, one rock, one leaf find after another. One happy sound after another, Eddie didn't mind spending his days like this when he was able to hunt Danny down. Usually Danny walked the woods for hours, deep into the woods that most wouldn't even dare to go but Eddie was always fascinated by how well Danny knew the place. After heading back to Danny's, the two found comfort in cups of hot chocolate and some old documentary Danny loved. Of course Eddie had seen this same documentary nearly twenty times before but watching the same things over and over again was comforting for Danny which Eddie understood.
They were at home for no more than an hour before Danny's mother walked through the door, coming home from work, her hair a tangled mess and her face showed how tired she was but she still smiled upon seeing the two boys cosied up on the couch like they had always done since they were kids.
Eddie POV:
"Evening boys. Eddie, good to see you again. Come, we need to chat. Tell me how you've been" Mary smiled softly, something Eddie found comfort in. Mary was the comforting female figure he had so needed as a child, she took him in like her own whenever he came over to hang out with Danny, something he was forever thankful for. Eddie watched from the couch as she placed her bag on the counter and shrugged her coat off, bringing the cool October air in with her. Eddie pulled himself up and moved into the kitchen which was open plan and attached to the living room. He emptied the last of the hot chocolate into the sink and washed it away as well as the cup before setting it aside.
"It's been alright, I guess. I'm gunna graduate this year so I've been tryin to get good grades. Who knows knew school was so hard" he laughed as he looked in the cupboards but ended up just pulling some soup out and a pan, emptying the contents out and adding some water since it was a concentrated soup.
"Oh love, you don't have to do that for me. I can do it. And if you're struggling just ask Danny, he's got load of experience. He's much better than me at all the subjects. He doesn't even need a tutor anymore. Thank god" she smiled, saying "thank god" under her breath so Danny didn't hear. It was saving them a fortune to not have a tutor since Danny was pretty good at most subjects when left to work it out in his own way. Eddie shook his head, continuing to sort dinner out for her.
"It's the least I can do after how you've helped me out over the years, Mrs P" Eddie smiled and stirred the soup while the bread was toasting.
"Well it was the least I could have done after you looked after Danny for me. You know what the other kids are like. Even now" she sighed a little and lit up a cigarette, taking a long drag followed by a small sigh of relief.
"Yeah…yeah." Eddie knew. Eddie knew all too well how mean the other kids were, to Danny. To himself. Eddie was the freak of Hawkins High. He was just thankful they didn't look into Danny too much. Everyone in town knew who Danny was, they just never saw him. Danny was the retarded kid and the only child of Mary and James Pennington. He hated that word, especially agaisnt Danny because Danny was one of the smartest people Eddie knew. Maybe not in social skills but hell, if you needed something fixed, Danny could figure it out. With that said, James was never home. Danny's father worked away a lot on the fishing boat, he was gone most parts of the year and despite their distant relationship, James and Danny had a close bond.
"Hey…I know the kids aren't exactly nice to you either. You know I'm always here or you can come see me at work if it's urgent and you can't get ahold of your uncle. You have me. And Danny. And James when he's in town. Don't forget to ask us when you need to." Mary comforted with a rub on Eddie's back while Eddie just nodded and gave a weak smile, moving to dish the soup and toast up.
"Here…I should get going. My uncle tends to worry" Eddie smiled, giving a quick hug before heading over to Danny and kneeling down, knowing Danny wouldn't look at him.
"Hey…I'm off dude. Maybe you can he brave and we can go get some Halloween costumes tomorrow. We don't have to go anywhere but I think dressing up for some pictures would be great, yeah?" Eddie smiled, his hand on Danny's lower leg, them being crossed. Danny merely nodded and smiled, he liked being involved and Eddie tried which Danny appreciated. Eddie moved away and grabbed one of the spare coats from the closet since it was cold out now. Knowing he was allowed to borrow whatever he needed. Once on he moved back over to Danny from behind the couch and moved his arm around their head, pressing a kiss into the top of Danny's head, Eddie always liked how soft Danny's hair was, and how it smelled of apples.
"Be good Danny boy. I'll see you tomorrow. Later Mrs P" he called as he headed out the front door and borrowed one of Danny's many bikes. Danny had a hobby of fixing bikes but not knowing what to do after fixing them so they were just gathering against the side of the house. Eddie would probably just claim that bike now,
Danny POV:
Danny knew this and didn't mind when it came to Eddie. His face had reddened at the kiss on the top of his head, bring his mug to his lips to drink the last of hot chocolate. Yes, Danny was different but he was still nineteen, he was able to know his feelings and able consent and be like any other nineteen year old. The only difference was that he didn't like to talk and he had different interests.
Danny POV:
The morning came and Danny chose to wear a variation of the same outfit he always wore, ever since he was a kid; a sweater, blue straight jeans and converse. That was it. His mother could probably line up matching sets from different age groups of the same outfit from when he was five. It was eight in the morning and he was sat with his usual bowl of Cookie Crisp™. Its had been his favourite cereal since he discovered it in 1978, which was about a year after the cereal launched. The house was never without it since Danny refused to eat anything else other than maybe toast on the odd occasion. His eyes were glued on the TV screen, cartoons dancing around in black and white, not minding the rerun of the show. His mother was getting ready to leave, rummaging in her purse before setting a twenty down on the counter. This was more than enough but he knew she always gave him more than he needed incase he and Eddie went out to eat too.
Danny waved without looking over as his mother left. He heard Eddie walk in not ten minutes later and scrape his boots off outside before stepping in.
"Hey you ready? Oh you're still eating. Alright I guess I'll eat too" Danny heard Eddie comment as he walked over, feeling their hand in his hair, messing it up a little just to be annoying.
"You need a haircut" Eddie's statement earned a grunt in response and that was enough for Danny to see Eddie put his hands up in fake surrender. Danny's eyes soon moved back to his bowl of cereal, starting to eat again. Danny would be lying if he said there were no feelings for Eddie. But he knew better than most that no one, not even Eddie would date a "retarded freak" like him. People treated him like a small child, as if he wasn't nearly an adult with wants, needs and desires. Like he didn't want what other nineteen year old boys wanted. It annoyed him.
He noticed how Eddie sat with his own bowl of Cookie Crisp™, hoping that wasn't the last of the box yet he didn't make any sign of complaint. The two just sat in shared silence.
Danny had been making a good amount of progress when it came to interacting with people, he was able to talk just a little bit more like "yes" and "no". As well as hold eye contact for longer than five seconds, which was harder than talking. If course Danny could talk if he really wanted to, for a short period of time he did speak but after the age of six or seven he slowly just became mute. Mainly after people started to bully him for his monotone voice. He became self conscious though would talk to himself when no one was there, home alone or out in the woods. Danny finished up his breakfast and placed the bowl in the sink, hearing Eddie follow suit.
"Off on a new adventure we go!" Danny heard Eddie half shout, trying to lighten the mood. Danny just smiled and grabbed his coat, pulling it on before feeling Eddie put a knitter hat in his head. Though Danny had to readjust it since he didn't like the feeling of it the way Eddie put it on.
"It's chilly out there. Warm enough?" He heared Eddie ask as they grabbed the house keys and turned the lights off while Danny was getting his shoes on. The two set off on bikes toward town racing each other in fits of laughter until they arrived in town, only to see a group at the entrance of the mall. People from Hawkins High. The popular in particular.
Eddie POV:
"Hey. Don't worry. I'm here. If they say anythin I'll just say somethin back and we move along" Eddie reassured as they parked and chained up their bikes outside the mall. Of course if they could get in unnoticed it would be better. But the pair walked in knowing they had been seen and now followed by the assholes who wanted to prey on them. Eddie noticed how Danny was getting anxious, especially with the crowd. He slung his arm around Danny's neck and pointed to one of the shops.
"How about here? Don't worry. The shops aren't as busy. It's just busy in the walkway" Eddie tried to comfort though he knew the assholes were right behind them. He was trying to weave and dodge through people to loose them. He felt Danny shrug, sighing a little before pushing on toward a store with costumes. Nearly in the shop when he was blocked by the assholes.
"Whoa slow down there freaks. There's no need to be rude. We can get along can't we?" The blonde one said with a horrid smirk.
"Fuck off. We want nothin to do with your pathetic little group." Eddie stated, glancing to Danny and seeing their eyes ok the ground like usual.
"The only pathetic ones here are you two. The freak and the retard. A match made in heaven. Is he your boyfriend Danny?" Blondie asked, Eddie watching as they leaned down to Danny to forcibly make eye contact.
Eddie felt Danny tense up and he grit his teeth a bit. The anger bubbling in his chest. He hated these assholes when they came for him but even Danny was involved? That just made it the times worse.
"Enough asshole! Go fuck one of those slots your have on speed dial" Eddie snapped and dragged Danny away. Trying to calm down as he walked.
"He ain't like the rest. As least I have people who want to fuck me. No one wants the freak or the retard. Disgusting!" Eddie heard blondie say just before they were out of normal talking range.
Danny POV:
That last statement was particularly hurtful for Danny, no one would want him. It just confirmed what he had been thinking over the last few years. His eyes becoming teary and his hands locked tightly together.
Eddie tried to cheer Danny up and Danny was thankful but he honestly just wanted to go home now. This was why he didn't leave his comfort zones. Because of assholes like them. But they got their costumes at least.
"I think you're going to look sick in that wizard costume! We can customise it as much as you want, there's a week until Halloween. And all I need is a blue overalls I'm sure I can borrow a pair from the mechanics for the night" Eddie tried to lighten the mood as they way down the street. Dragging Danny off his bike and into a video rental store to find a movie they could watch tonight. The store was dead empty, not even employees since they didn't really care enough to watch and wait for customers, they'd just come and check in when they heard someone in the store ring the bell at the desk.
"Hey don't worry about what those asshats say. They're just bullies. You're just fine to me" Eddie smiled as the two of them were kneeling down looking at the action movies. Danny nodded and looked to the movies and Eddie did the same.
"Plus I'm sure there's someone out there for you. You're kind and interesting, great listener and you deal with all my school drama shit-" Danny was bearly listening as Eddie spoke and laughed, watching them turn to face him though Danny's face was much closer to Eddie's than it had been a minute before. As with Eddie turning to face Danny, their lips almost touched. Danny noticed how Eddie fell silent, a thick silence falling in the store before Eddie started to lean in before stopping and pulling away.
"Danny I- I'm not…I- don't-" Danny listened to Eddie's stammered words and it eas enough to bring him back to reality. His stomach dropped to the floor and a panic arose in him before he stood suddenly, stepping back while finally looking at Eddie, tears starting to show before he dashed out of the store and onto his bike, struggling to get on and push off for a moment as he hopped down the street on his bike. He took off as Eddie called after him, peddling as fast as he could even if it was reckless since he was on a busy street, he managed to miss every car before turning to head down a small hill, a car coming in ahead wasn't paying attention and swerved in a panic at the sight of Danny, Danny's own breaks being pressed but the force of the sudden stop flung him over the handle bars and into the street…
(Please comment feedback and if you'd like a part 2)
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Has Bruno ever had a crush on anyone? Aside from Fish lady, obviously
You guys ever have a crush on your friend's mom? Well. Bruno has been though this, and this is that story.
"We COULD sneak into Ernesto's party."
"Ugh, and deal with all those girls from our school? I deal with those perras all day. There IS a hot spring though, we could do a little skinny dipping, just me and you."
Félix grinned as he spun Pepa around, before holding her close to his chest, hand at the small of her back. The prettiest girl in school, in his arms, he couldn't believe it.
"Damn Pepi, when you think, you think BIG!"
"I LIKE big~"
He was about to kiss her like she clearly wanted, when they both stopped upon hearing someone clear their throat.
"Uh yeah hi, third wheel here- I'm not going with you guys to do ANY of that."
Right. The only way he could've gotten Pepa out of the Casita, was if they agreed to watch Bruno. He was the same age as Pepa, but apparently couldn't be left alone. Félix let go of Pepa, clearing his throat.
"Right. Sorry, kinda forgot you were there."
"I get that a lot."
Pepa grumbled, a gray cloud forming over her head.
"Ugh. What do we do with him?"
Félix thought about it for a second, before snapping his fingers.
"I have an idea. Follow me."
Félix headed for his house, and made a beeline for the kitchen, where his mom was cleaning.
"Hey hey! Back early? Thought you were going out?"
"Yeah there's a slight problem. So I was wondering if you could watch someone while I-ow ow ow!"
His mother immediately stopped with the dishes, in order to grab onto his ear, tugging it.
"Boy, how many times you gonna dump your workload on me? I'm a busy woman. Too busy for your nonsense with some girl-"
"It's for Pepa, mami!"
His mom peeked into the living room, where Pepa was making little rainbows for the children, ever eager to please.
"Well. Why didn't you start with that? You know I love that girl!"
He rubbed the spot once his mom let go, and they both peered into the kitchen. Bruno had his hoodie up, sticking close to his sister, yet away from the fascinated children. Exactly how it was whenever they were out and about town.
"Lemme guess. I gotta watch the recluse."
"Yep. He's apparently not allowed to be left alone. He's not a bad guy just very...shy. Not social. So can you do it?"
He watched his mother roll her eyes, before digging into her bra, and pulling out a few pesos.
"Here. You go treat Pepa to something nice, I got him."
"Gracias, mami. Now be patient, he's. Well he's him, you'll see what I mean."
Félix excused himself to the scene, where his little brother, Mateo, tugged on his pant sleeve.
"Hermano, he's being weird."
"Bruno just. Isn't used to playing with other's, be nice. Especially since mami agreed me and you can go while she watches Bruno!"
Pepa clapped a bit, clearly loving the idea.
"Oh how nice of her! I knew I always liked your...Bruno?"
Bruno held onto her dress like a scared child, looking at her past his hoodie.
"Pepa, don't leave me here with all these people. I don't know anyone and it's a LOT of people and I don't wanna freak out his parents in his own home and my anxiety is UP THERE-"
Pepa held onto his hands. It was rare, but here and there, Pepa acted like a proper older sister to her brother.
"You're going to be fine. Félix would never leave you in a place where you weren't safe. If he did, I'd absolutely kill him. And you trust Félix when he says you're safe, right?"
Félix lightly patted his back, nodding.
"You guys welcomed me into your home, we do the same. Why don't you go to the kitchen, get a snack and calm down? We'll be back before you know it!"
Bruno let go of Pepa, although it took some coaxing. Bruno was going to be just fine.
Bruno waved Pepa and Félix as they left, leaving him all alone. The hoard of kids looked at him curiously, clearly interested in him. Bruno felt just oh so small and nervous and-
"Alright, quit gawking, all of you! Let the boy come in here!"
Félix's mom sure was loud. He scurried past the children and into the kitchen, thankful for a change of scenery. It was calm in the kitchen, fairly quiet. An older, short man sat at the dining room table, reading, and not even looking at him. Meanwhile, she was...tall. Like, almost scary tall. She had loads of hair too, and nails that reminded him of claws. He kinda understood why Félix called her mama bear now. She seemed to just now notice him, and she gestured towards the table.
"Take a seat. Can I get you somethin' to drink?"
He shook his head as he sat down. He learned early on that hood up often meant people didn't want to talk to you, and he was fine with that. The man spoke up, voice gruff and gravelly.
"Ain't that the weird one?"
"Ramone! That is a child, not much older than our boys!"
"No it's...fine. I get that a lot."
He felt her get closer to him, and he tensed up, expecting...well. Something bad. He didn't know what, just something.
"Maybe it'd help if people saw your face, baby. Come on, hoodie down, show some manners at the table."
He didn't want to. Really didn't want to. But he didn't want to offend her, so, he reluctantly put it down.
"I'm...sorry, it's just that people seem to like it more when it's-"
"Oh Dios! Ramone! Look at him! Oh he's got the same facial hair YOU did way back when! Oh you are just precious!"
He hadn't been called precious since he was like, ten. So when she squished his face in her big, warm hands as she called him that, he kinda...well. Liked it.
"Uh...thank you, doña-"
"Oh no no, none of that here. When you're in my house, it's mama. Got it?"
"There we go! Now let's get some food in you! You're skinnier than a wishbone! What do you like?"
She was....staring at him, it felt like. Like he was so important and vital and wanted. It made his cheeks flare, and he hoped it didn't hurt her hands.
"I'll eat anything really, I'm not picky. Mami always says to accept what I'm given, so-"
"Not what I asked. I asked what do you WANT?"
"I mean...I like it when mami makes Arroz con Pollo."
"Is that all? I can do that! You want a snack while you wait? You like cocadas?"
"I. LOVE cocadas."
She let go of his face, in order to reach for a jar up in the cabinet. Bruno felt himself practically drooling at the jar of goodies.
"Go on, eat. But don't ruin your appetite."
"Did you make all of these? They look perfect!"
"Well Ramone helped, but yes, we made 'em. Go on, eat."
He started to grab a few as she started to cook. She was so...nice to him. So happy to just provide for him, if only a moment. He stuffed a cookie in his mouth, and swore he melted on the spot. They were a bit crispy on the outside, and perfectly mushy on the inside. They were, by every definition, perfect.
"Okay, not going to lie, you're not going to see this jar, I'm taking it."
She chuckled, clearly amused by his flattery.
"Well thank you, dumplin'. I like knowing you kiddies like my food."
She called him dumpling. He had no idea why, but it made him cover his cheeks with his ruana, a bit embarrassed.
"I...could eat your cooking all the time, honestly."
She smiled as she set the rice to cook, starting to season the chicken.
"Maybe then we could fatten you up a bit! You're a growing boy, you need to eat!"
"Mami says I eat too much already, so it's fine-"
She huffed, turning to look at him as if he said something wrong.
"Tellin' a child when they've had enough to eat. Can you imagine, honey?"
The father muttered some response, not looking from his book. She rolled her eyes as she continued cooking.
"You eat as much as you wanna eat, especially in my house. My only rule is that you throw nothin' away. Imma have a word with your mother about this, you wait and see."
She meant it somewhat playfully, but he was honestly so flattered by the notion of someone standing up for him. Someone who could cook for him and take care of him and-
He was so distracted, he bit his finger. He didn't break the skin, but it still hurt. She seemed to notice, leaving the stove to walk back over to him.
"You okay?"
"Yes, I just bit my finger, I'm fine."
"Right here?"
"Si, but I don't need a band aid or any..."
She held onto his hand, and kissed it. Her lips were so soft, so warm, and the burgundy lipstick that was smared against his finger made him feel...something. She looked at him with her caring eyes and it made his chest hurt.
He nodded quickly, and with a ruffling of his hair, she got back to cooking. Bruno looked at his finger curiously, and seeing how no one was looking, brought the finger to his lips. Turns out, he REALLY liked how lipstick felt. It felt nice, and the taste was oddly pleasant. He peered over at her for a second, and realized, she was a very, VERY pretty lady. From her clothes, to her long hair, to her smooth looking skin. He'd have crushes before, but never on someone's fucking MOM.
"Oye! Dinner time! Wash up, all of you!"
As the children came flooding in, he put his hoodie back up, and he sat at the table, right next to her. He watched as she piled on his plate, with a serving way bigger than what his mother would give him.
"You...shredded the chicken for me?"
"Course! That way you don't have to sit there, fiddling with the bones. You need more, you tell me."
Félix's mom was a wonderful cook. Bruno still kept himself reserved due to all the eyes upon him, but he ate every single bit off of his plate. It left him feeling warm, happy, and he HAD to get seconds. And maybe thirds. Not his fault he was a growing boy. He was a few bites into his third plate, when Félix's younger brother, Mateo, seemed to glare at him as he spoke.
"So it's not true?"
"That you drink blood. Everyone says that at my school."
Bruno was going to speak, when his mother did so instead, using her fork to point at the boy, then upstairs.
"Why don't you go upstairs, take a minute, and come back down to try that again?"
He left in a huff, and she ever so gently patted his head.
"I'm so sorry. Kids. They don't know a lot about you, so they make up things."
"I mean...I do like blood sausage, does that count?"
She had such a pretty laugh too. So loud and full of life, it lit up her whole face.
"Oh you are just precious! Next time you come over, I'll make you some."
"You mean next time Félix is sick of me being a third wheel."
"Hey, no. You're allowed here ANY time you want, Bruno baby. Doors always open to you, and any one who needs it."
Why was she so compassionate to him? What did he do to deserve being near her? He smiled, a bit bashfully, before taking her empty plate.
"Here, let me help you clean."
"Oh no honey, you're our guest-"
"I do it all the time at home, I don't mind!"
She pinched his cheeks, the jewelry around her wrist clanging as she did so.
"You are just a delight! Alma raised such a sweet little man!"
Bruno helped her clean as everyone seemed to just leave. Poor woman, having to do all these dishes by herself. He washed and scrubbed as she dried the plates right next to him.
"So Félix and Agustín are friends because of you?"
"That's right! I do his mom's hair. She'd always bring her little son with her, and I had Félix play with him. Those two have been friends since they were tots. Which is good, Agustín isn't exactly...popular, I've noticed."
"Not unlike Félix, who's pretty much THE guy at school."
She held a little pride in her movements as she put the plates away.
"He gets it from me. I've always had that certain charm. Not to brag, but I could get any man I wanted on the dancefloor with me. It's all in the hip."
She gave a bit of movement that Bruno was a bit too focused on. She could really move. He had the urge to dance with her, despite the fact that he never felt confident in his own moves. He wiped his hands free as soon as the dishes were done, chuckling.
"Well, Félix is lucky to have you as a mom. He has a really loving family. One that I really, really appreciate letting me eat with. I once had a lady throw a cross at me when I even came near her house."
She suddenly grabbed him, and brought him into a hug.
"Oh, dumplin', I'm sorry. But don't worry, I can be your other mami. Anytime you need me for ANYTHIN', you come to me. I'll feed you, and kiss away any booboos you got. Okay?"
She was so...full, so warm. His face was searing hot at being so close to her, for getting to smell the spices that clung to her clothes, and maybe just a small part because his face was right at her chest. He nodded, keeping her in the hug by wrapping his arms around her (trying anyway, she was a THICK woman), and just sinking into her. He wanted to stay here forever. But unfortunately, all good things come to an end. The front door opened, and a very flushed Pepa and Félix came prancing in, absolutely giddy.
"That was FUN!"
"If it weren't for your mami, trust me, it wouldn't have ended!"
She let go of Bruno to peer at them from the kitchen, waving at Pepa.
"Well hey you two! How was date night?"
"Bien, bien! Félix was a gentleman, as always~"
Félix chuckled, before looking over at Bruno.
"Well hey! Someone isn't wearing their hoodie! Good job, mami, it usually takes him forever to feel comfortable. Come on, let's get you home!"
Bruno clung onto her dress, seeming to shrink a bit.
"Do we have to go now?"
Pepa seemed surprised, looking at Félix's mom.
"Geez, usually he loves going home. What'd you do?"
"Nothing really? We just had dinner."
"Ah. That makes sense."
She knelt down to grab Bruno's face again, squishing his cheeks.
"And he's such a good lil hombre! He helped me with the dishes, he complimented my cooking-Pepa, when you get home, you tell your mama she raised a fine boy! And he is welcomed any time he wants!"
He really hoped he didn't singe her lips as she kissed his cheek. It was a full, mushy, affectionate kiss against his skin, and he was surprised his legs didn't buckle at feeling so delightfully smothered. He had to put his hoodie back up to cover his face, and she semed more amused than anything. He muttered a goodbye, before walking with Pepa and Félix back home. Agustín was there too, seeming to be doing homework with Julieta. Bruno ended up being alone with the two boys as Julieta and Pepa went upstairs for...something he couldn't remember.
"...can I ask you guys something? Like, as guys?"
Félix patted his back as he sat down, nodding.
"Course, ask away, hombrecito."
"...is it normal to have crushes on older women?"
Agustín chuckled, not looking up from the homework as he nodded.
"Plenty normal, Bruno. I had a crush on our old english teacher."
Félix grinned as he roughly patted his head.
"Is it my sister? She seems like your type."
"No. It's not."
"Really? Well I mean you don't have to hide it, I mean I've got a crush on YOUR sister-"
"Félix I really wanna kiss your mom."
Agustín snorted as he dropped the bomb, trying to keep his shit together.
"I mean. That's-Agustín stop laughing!"
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drakenology · 4 years ago
Game Over 👾 - Kenma Kozume
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gamer!kenma x gamer!reader
summary: kenma works at gamestop and this cutie came in to buy a new game. wonder if she’s single..
author’s note: kenma simps come get yall juice 🥵! we love a gamer boy. hope yall like dis. 🥴
warnings: smut (obviously), softdom!kenma, hair pulling, fluffy stuff, shitty rom-coms and kuroo being a hype man.
Slow days at GameStop were the worst. No one comes in anymore; who the hell still buys disks when you can buy all your games digitally now anyways? Still, it was easy money and something to do over the summer other than sit around and binge play League of Legends all day.
Kenma sighed as he pretended to look busy in front of the manager by fixing the poster wall for the eighth time all shift, mundanity floating through the store as three customers left after just leisurely looking around.
As Kenma’s restocking the playstation game wall he feels a tap on his shoulder.
“Um, excuse me do you work here?” A feminine voice asked.
“No. I just wear this fucking uniform shirt because I like it.” Kenma thought to himself before turning his head to face what was possibly the cutest girl he’s ever seen.
Kenma’s not really used to seeing too many girls in the store when he worked so he was a little shocked. But god she was pretty. She was wearing red; one of his favorite colors with these jeans that hugged her legs and thighs so nice he almost choked on his tongue before speaking.
“Uh.. yeah. How can I help you?” He finally responded.
“Hi! Um, I just wanted to know where I can find Fallout 4 for xbox? I’ve been looking everywhere for it and I can’t find it.” She sung. Her voice was like a symphony of everything good in the world. Kenma started to wonder what she’d sound like underneath him while he-
“Yeah. I’ll show you, I had to move them for a while so I could make room for newer games.” Kenma said, leading her towards the wall with all the xbox games were. He reached up high and grabbed the game off rhe top shelf and handed it to her with a meek smile.
“Thanks! I see you’re the only one working so I’ll look around and let you know when I’m ready to checkout.” She said smiling back. Kenma nodded and continued his work slowly so he could stare at her through the shelfs and hangers around the store.
The way she picked up things as she looked at them was adorable; her nose scrunching up as she giggled at the pikachu plushies. Kenma blushed as he watched her look around the store as if it were her first time visiting. She gamed, so it’s not like she’s never been in a gamestop before. But the way she looked at things she liked with fresh eyes was something to ponder on. He had to know her; at least her name.
Anyone who knew Kenma would know he’s not the type to go oogling at some girl and ask for her number, he’s hopelessly shy. But he couldn’t risk not seeing this girl again. As he walked to the counter, he gulped up his reluctance and took a deep breath.
“Hey. Ready when you are.” He said, getting the girl’s attention. She smiled and walked over with her game and a pikachu plushie; of course. She’s so fucking cute.
“Heh. Pikachu?” He teased, hoping he didn’t offend her. She simply laughed and put it on the counter for him to ring up.
“What can I say? I’m 12.” She said, sticking out her tongue with a smirk. Fuck. Kenma gulped again, pathetically blushing right in front of her and hoping she didn’t notice the tint of his cheeks turn bright red. He grabbed her stuff and rang it up, bagging it all nice for her before handing the bag to her.
“Want a receipt?” Kenma asked. She nodded, standing at the counter as she watched him print it out. Shit. The exchange was almost over and he hasn’t even asked her name yet. He had to before it was too late.
“Hey uh.. c-can I ask you something? You don’t have to answer if you don’t want to.” Kenma said, looking down at the screen and not into her gorgeous eyes.
“Yeah? What’s wrong, sir?” She asked. Fuck. Sir? Really? What’s she trying to do?
“What’s your name?”
“Y/N, why?”
“I-I wanted to know if I could have your number? And like maybe take you out- o-only if you want to I’m not-“
She laughed, and wrote her name and number on the back of the receipt and handed it back to him.
“Call me. I’d love to go out with you. You seem cool.” Y/N said. She squinted her eyes a little to read Kenma’s name tag.
“Ken..ma? Right? I’ll see you around, Kenma.”
And so began his helpless fall for her.
“Yo! Kenma, how’s it going with Y/N? Been a couple months now, right?” Kuroo asked over the discord server. Kenma blushed and looked down at his phone to see that you texted him.
“We’re good. She’s actually coming over in a bit so this will be my last game.” He said, smiling a little at your sweet message.
“Hey, Kenny! I’m on my way over. I’m raiding your kitchen btw I’m hungry 🤤 .”
“Ooooh, Kenma’s ‘bout to get some pussssayyy!” Kuroo teased. Kenma cringed and covered his flustered face as if anyone could see him.
“Shut up. Sh-she and I are taking it slow. I dunno if we’ll even go there today. None of your business anyways, perv!” Kenma explained, nervous about you coming over for the first time like ever.
You two had been on a few dates now, he had even met your roommate and your other friends. You two got so close after that day you had met at the GameStop and he was so grateful he came to work that day instead of calling out to binge play videogames. Kuroo erupted in furious laughter and continued his games with Kenma, enthused about him about finally getting some.
“Gotta hand it to you man, you managed to get yourself a hottie. And a gamer at that. I’m jealous.” Kuroo added, Kenma rolling his eyes.
He knew it too though. Kenma wasn’t necessarily a ladies man so it was a mystery what drew you to him. Still, he’s grateful he could spend his time with you even if you guys weren’t set in stone just yet.
Just as the game wrapped up, he received a call from his new favorite person.
“Hey, Kenma. I’m outside! Lemme in!” You giggle into the phone before the front door flung open, Kenma scooping you into his arms.
“Hey, you. Missed you.” He said into your hair. You smile and hug him back, following his lead inside. His little apartment was so cozy, gamer memorabilia all over the place as it screamed “Kenma”. It was so him. You smile and walk into his bedroom, thinking nothing of it as you gawk at his gaming setup.
“Woah. Didn’t know working at gamestop could get you a $1,000 set up!” You exclaim. Kenma laughed.
“Oh, I guess I didn’t tell you. I game professionally. GameStop is just another way for me to be close to videogames. Discounts are nice too.” He explained.
“So you’re a streamer?”
“Yup. You should watch me sometime. I-If you want.” Kenma said flustered. You smile and hook your arms around his neck and give him a peck on the nose.
You two spent most of the day talking about games and the lastest on manga you were both reading. Everytime you talked to him, he gave you something new to read and you’d talk about it next time you talked about it together.
Soon, you two were cuddling and watching shitty rom-coms; making fun of them became your favorite past time. You chuckle as the female protagonist says something completely cheesy about loving her love interest forever and gag at the kissing scene, Kenma covering his face in second hand embarrassment.
Then he took one look at you, snuggled up against him with your ass poking out against his groin. You were the little spoon, his arms around your waist as you look up at him from time to time to make a comment on the movie. Kenma was in love. But he had no idea how to tell you without scaring you off. What if it’s too soon? What if she doesn’t feel the same?
A cheesy sex scene displayed on the T.V causing you to get a little hot. Sure it was pretty lame but the thought of having sex right now; especially cuddled up with a cute boy, wasn’t too bad of an idea. Kenma’s sweating a little too, his dick growing hard as he realized the girl he really liked was laying in bed with him while watching borderline porn together; his face red as tomatos.
“Shit, I hope she doesn’t feel my dick poking against her. Fuck, she’s just so pretty.. I just wanna-“
“K-Kenma..?” You breath out, wet and face full of embarrassment.
“Yeah?” He said.
“I-I uh.. I don’t know how to say this but.. I’m h-horny.” You whisper as if someone else was in the room other than you two.
“A-Are you really?” Kenma asked, his dick growing more at the thought of how wet you were under your sweatpants, how hard and perky your nipples were under your bra. Fuck, he had to have you.
“Yeah.. I don’t know why but this scene is.. kinda turning me on.” You said, turning to face him to see his face bright red and eyes full of lust. You gulp, just as hungry as he is.
“Me too.” He said, staring down at your plump lips.
“Yeah?” You ask with seduction coating your tongue unintentionally, licking your lips as you bit down lightly as you looked up at him.
Kenma inched closer to your face, you following his lead as your lips finally met; your first kiss. The kiss was heavy, hands exploring and groping each other as you both moan into the kiss.
Clothes are shed and thrown to the side of the bed, Kenma drinking in the sight of your half naked body and savoring it. He pulled you back into the kiss, his tongue searching your mouth as you received him eagerly. You were making out so heavily, foreplay almost wasn’t even needed with how wet you got from his touch and kiss. You became so needy for him, the spot between your legs aching as your heart skipped eight beats.
“Kenma I-“ you said breaking the kiss, interrupted by a feral Kenma.
“No. I-I wanna take my time with you. Don’t rush.” You nod, Kenma grabbing your chin to pull you up to kiss him again.
You gasp, his hands a little cold as he touched your breasts. He groped and squeezed them, playing with your nipples as your squirm to gain friction in your panties.
You’re whining against Kenma’s mouth, desperate for him to touch you where you needed him most. As Kenma pulled away, he took a brief moment to look down at your body as he climbed on top of you.
“You’re so pretty.” He gushed, causing you to giggle and reach up to move his hair from his face.
“You too. U-Uh I mean, you’re handsome.” You said weakly, aching for something more than just kissing. He smirked at you, like a switch went off in his mind. He wasn’t the sweet and shy Kenma he was a second ago, feral lust changing his demeanor as he took a nipple into his mouth. You moan, your breath shaky as he ghosts his fingers over your panties; him feeling a wet spot on them as he hummed.
“You’re so wet, angel.” He moaned, you surprised at your new nickname. Kenma’s fingers are pulling your panties aside expertly and coating them in your slick in seconds, your moans filling his ears as he prodded them at your entrance. Your breathing becomes uneven as he slids them inside, suckling on your nipple as he looked you in the eyes.
You’re a moaning mess for him, the sounds of the movie playing were drowned out by your pathetic little moans as Kenma fingered you with his slim fingers.
“Hah.. Uuugh, K-Kenmaaa.” You gasp, an orgasm brewing in the pit of your stomach. Kenma chuckled, pulling away from your breast to coax you; talking you through the orgasm about to wash over your body as his fingers hooked to find that spot you like.
“Am I making you feel good, baby?” He asks, you unable to answer as you hold his arm for dear life. “Answer me.”
“Y-Yes! God, Ah! I’m gonna-“
“I know, baby. Cum for me. Cum all over my fucking fingers.” He cooed, rubbing harsh circles into your clit as your legs nearly jolt closed, the pleasure becoming too much as you boil over.
“Yeahhhh baby. Good girl.” He mumbled, rubbing your clit slowly to help ride out your peak, leaving soft kisses on your forehead to soothe you.
You let out a deep sigh, warn out from fingering alone. No one has ever made you feel this good using just his hands. Imagine what he can do to you with his dick.
“Bend over, baby.” Kenma said, motioning for you to turn over on the bed by tapping your outer thigh. You blink dumbly at him, your high still lingering as you flip yourself over on the bed and lay flat.
“Ass up.” He demanded, striking your ass with just enough power to snap you out of your finger-dumb trance. You yelp and arch your back, bringing your ass closer to him as he grabbed your hips.
Kenma stayed still for a while and marveled at your ass bent over for him, rubbing your ass with his big hands and smacking it every so often. He bit his lip, mumbling fuck under his breath as he teased his dick against your already worn out pussy.
You turn to look back at him, lust in your eyes and a face Kenma would never forget.
“F-fuck me. Please Ken, I n-need you.” You beg, tearing up at the feeling of Kenma’s smooth dick brushing up against your sensitive clit.
“Say no more, baby. Gonna fuck you so good.” He hissed, nearly shoving himself inside. You gasp, the feeling of him stretching you so deliciously forcing a guttural moan from your chest.
Kenma started his pace hard yet slow, making sure you felt every inch; every vein of his dick, giving it his all as he ripped your noises from your mouth.
You’re panting, unable to keep up with him as you grip onto the sheets. You shoved your face into his pillows, screams uncontrollably leaving your lips as Kenma started brutally pounding into your poor pussy.
“Uhhnnn! I-I love you Kenma!” You shout, biting down on the pillow as you feel your chest get hot in embarrassment. God, why did you have to say love? Surely he doesn’t feel the same just yet.
“Fuck, I love you too, Y/N. Hah, I wanted to say that to you for so long.” Kenma admits, grabbing a fist full of your hair and yanking you up to him as he hummed sweet praised into your ear as he fucked you stupid. You sob, relieved he felt the same way.
The ultimate exchange of love between two people emerged as he threw you back onto the bed and raised on leg up onto the bed to gain a better angle on that sweet spot of yours causing you to shriek and clench around him as you come close to cumming. Suddenly, the searing hot pleasure stops as Kenma pulled out of you. You whine, your entire body shuddering from the extreme loss.
“Get up. I want you over my desk.” Kenma said, pulling you off the bed by your arm. He was being so rough with you right now you almost thought you were fucking a completely different person; Kenma the shy and awkward gamer boy transformed into the sexiest Dom you’d ever been with.
Your legs wobble as you stood bent over his desk and gaming set up, your naked chest pressed against the cold wood as you wait for him to fuck you again. Kenma prodding himself at your entrance and leaned down close to your ear, sliding himself inside you once more with a grunt.
“You feel so good, you know that? Ugh, I’m gonna ruin you.” He huffed, you answering with a whine. He’s plowing you into his desk before you can respond properly, your hands glued onto the sides of it for dear life. Sooner than late, your orgasm is knocking at your door. Tears bubble in your eyes as you cry out for Kenma.
“C-C-Can I cum now? P-please godd let me cum Ken, ahhah!” You babble, almost unable to hold yourself back for much longer as he pummeled you nice and hard.
“G’head, baby. Cum nice and hard for me.” Kenma granted, giving your ass a hard smack to make you clench around his dick harder as you came. It was amazing. It was like a volcano erupted inside you, loud moans and sobs filling the room as your chest heaved in and out.
Kenma ruts into you one last time and pulls out swiftly, stroking his dick to release himself onto your ass as you sigh from the loss. You both stand still for a while, Kenma staring down at your coating ass cheeks and you at your fucked out reflection of his monitor. You feel him step away, too drunk off your orgasm to even care what he’s doing as he cleans you up and leads you back to bed.
“I dunno where I threw your shirt so I’m just gonna grab one of mine, okay?” Kenma says, rubbing small circles into your back. You nod, eyes closed as you hum into the pillow in comfort.
You tried not to doze off as Kenma dressed you in some clothes of his that you were totally going to steal, his scent coating the fabric of his t-shirt. After a little while, Kenma’s in bed with you lacing his body with yours as he stroked your back to soothe you to sleep.
“Can I sleep over?” You ask cutely. Kenma smiled and kissed your forehead.
“Duh.” He said. You giggle and nuzzle your head into his chest, taking in his scent as you start to doze off.
“Did you mean that? What you said when we were... you know.” You ask, unsure. Kenma grabbed your chin and turned you to face him.
“Of course. I-I uh..” He paused. “I knew loved you the day I met you, Y/N.”
You tear up, pulling him up to kiss you.
“Same.” You say, holding him impossibly closer.
“So does this mean we’re-“ Kenma’s interrupted by the sound of you falling fast asleep, small snores driving Kenma into cuteness overload. He sighs, kissing your forehead as you slept on his chest.
Moments like these are truly ones to cherish.
wanna be tagged? dm me!
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thisisgonnafuxkinkillme · 4 years ago
Don’t Call Me That Anymore
Toshinori Yagi  x Reader 
Angst, body insecurity, big sad 
(Post Retirement All might)
You walked alongside your boyfriend, your hand being loosley connected to his via your pinky. You dragged him to your favorite thrift shop, where you often liked to try on fancy abandoned ball gowns and take photos. Or, on days where you felt a little more casual, you’d search for some interesting clothes to wear.
Everything was fine, the little outing going along as usual. He’d generally stay by your side, his eyes wandering from the dull clothes you often would pick through. 
It was when you heard a small gasp that you knew something was wrong. You glanced at the direction of his gaze, seeing an abandoned All Might figure laying on the floor, the price tag displaying proudly that it was 75% off. 
“Even to be on sale at a thrift store, eh?” he mumbled to himself. His hand clutched his chest, trying to physically push the pain down and out of his frail body. You tried to pretend like you didn’t notice, and guided him to another aisle. Silently, you planned to leave as soon as possible.
---------------------------------------days later---------------------------------
You scrolled through your phone mindlessly, not really caring about the outside world this very moment. All that mattered right now was your loving boyfriend, who was sitting on the other side of the couch. He was mindlessly scrolling through the tv channels.
Suddenly, he paused. You didn’t notice it, that subtle shift in his attitude, the slight tension that grew within him, and the tiny hitched breath.
He clicked on it, and on screen was...him. 
“So, All Might, what’s an average day like for you?” some well dressed reporter asked him. He flashed that crowd pleasing grin as he thought.
He had just finished fighting a villian, and had a small droplet of blood dripping down his forehead, threatening to drop into his intense yet amiable eyes.
“Well, I guess it’s like anyone else’s,” he said thoughtfully, “I just get up, drink some coffee, and-” the man on screen dissapeared, being replaced by a woman showing us the weekly weather. Again, Toshi said nothing, but his eyes were dark and his jaw was clenched. You grasped for his hand as he stood up. His knees popped and his back cracked, only reminding further that he was getting older and weaker. He clenched his fist and dissapeared into the bathroom.
You didnt know what to say or do, knowing that the wrong thing will only make things worse. Your heart ached deeply for him, but how could you help? Could you help?
That night, Toshi came home with something he usually never played with: alcohol. By this time, you had already forgotten about the incidents earlier.
“What’re you gonna do with that?” you teased. He smiled back weakly. Internally, his heart dropped. He’d been caught.
“You want some?” he offered nonchalantly. You nodded, taking a small shot. You never drank either, unlike other people your age, so when the alcohol passed your lips and slid down your throat, you couldn’t help yourself from sputtering and coughing. He patted your back gently.
“You alright there?” 
You nod, smiling a little. If you’re honest, things like that were always so embarrasing. You hated him see you act your age. 
He took a shot, too, smooth and quick. He noticed you stare, and grinned.
“I used to...a little, when I was younger.” 
After the last two words, his eyes grew dark again.
when I was younger.
He poured himself another shot, swigging it down like nothing. You still felt the burning warmth of the shot you’d taken. You couldn’t stop yourself from worrying about how he’d probably be feeling right about now.
“Hey, uh, Toshi... don’t drink too much too fast or you’re gonna get sick,” you gently suggested.
“I will be fine...don’t you worry about me,” he reassured. You nodded, but didn’t really believe him. Is he fine anyway?
You relaxed on the couch, playing a video game on the switch as Toshi occupied himself with the tv and a deck of cards. He loved to play solitaire, even after being mocked by the students at UA when he’d bust out his worn deck during breaks. 
Time passed, swiftly yet gently, but the silence got the better of you.
“Hey, Toshi, lemme get another shot of that stuff”
He didn’t respond. You looked up from the game to see that his cards were all mixed up, reds being on reds and the kings on top of the queens. He had his head gently resting on the cold, wooden table, eyes only staring at the tv blankly.
It’d been quite a few hours since he’d had his first shot, and it definately has worn in. Not too far from his card playing set up was a glass, 1/4 full of what you just assumed was orange juice. You now were suspicious, quietly taking it and giving it a sniff. 
It certainly was orange juice, but there was something mixed with it. The alcohol smell burned your nose. 
Your heart dropped, knowing that that orange juice was to the brim when he brought it in. 
He flinched at his name, but still didn’t say anything. His eyes, though glazed over and pitiful, were focused on something. You glanced up at the screen, where an All Might documentary played. 
You bent down to Toshi’s level, where he was sitting on the floor in front of the table, combing your fingers through his hair. 
“Toshi, look at me.”
His eyes lazily found your face. He brought up his hand to your cheek.
“I-I’m ffine, dea-darlin..g..” he stumbled out, his speech slurred and laborious. 
“Let’s get to bed, honey. I can help walk you there,” you offered. He protested futilely, as you pulled his arm over your shoulder and supported his weight with yours. He was mostly deadwight, making his 160 pounds feel more like thousands. You guided him down the hall, slowly but steadily, each step taking exponentially longer than a sober one would. He kept one hand on the wall.
His fingers grazed the frame of a photo. He looked at it.
It was All Might, proudly standing with a group of kids. 
Toshi couldn’t hold it in anymore. He stood up, shakily but on his own, and pulled his fist back, swinging at it. Glass landed everywhere, and a small hole in the wall stared back at him. 
He spit at the now broken photo at his feet.
“yo-you’re not e-ven real...n-no-not any...not anymore...I hate you...” he mumbled drunkenly. His hand fell limp to his side, scarlet blood shining against his pale, white skin. And dripping onto the floor.
You tried your best to hide your shock and you directed him into the bathroom, where the first aid kit was. He laid on the floor, pressing his face into the comforting coolness of the linoleom. You wanted to scream at him to knock it out, and to just get up, but you knew that even if he desperately wanted to, he wouldn’t be sober until the next morning. 
You looked down at his small, skinny form, that lay breathing on the bathroom tile. You'd never seen Toshi, in any form, look as weak as he did now. Your heart ached. This wasn’t him.
Suddenly, he shot up and lurched towards the toilet, emptying the contents of his stomach. You rushed over to his side, moving his forelocks away from his face. He was pale, white as a sheet. The bags under his eyes were deeper and darker, and his usually bright blue eyes were dulled down to a muted navy. Tears pooled down his sunken cheekbones.
"n-no...go- get awa...y"
You said nothing, but ran cold water through a washrag, soaking it throughly. He remained hovering over the toilet, violently retching.
The alcohol was attacking his skinnied, sick body more than he thought it would. As you approached him with the rag in hand, he returned to the chilled floor.
You placed the rag on his sweaty forehead gently, rubbing his arm. He pushed you away as best as he could, still crying silently.
"p..ple-please, y/n...d-don't look at me...n-not like...not like this..." He choked out in-between sobs.
"I'm not going anywhere, babyboy. I'm sorry." You apologize, getting out some first aid supplies for his knuckles.
You hushed him, gently taking his bloodied hand. He tried pulling away weakly, but to no avail.
"...let me...let me jus...take care of it...I can..." He mumbled. You paid him no mind as you quickly but effectively wrapped him up.
As soon as you were finished, he was back in front of the toilet again. Not much more was coming up, but the sickening retches and sobs still shook within his frail chest.
You bent down next to him, rubbing his back, whispering small words of praise and encouragement. He began to calm down a little as he sat against the wall of the bathroom. He started off into the distance.
"I...why can't I be like...like him anymore?" He muttered,
For a split second, you were confused.
“Like who, baby?”
His eyes stared into you, harsh enough to scald you. Realization hit.
“All Might?” You quietly asked, your hand moving towards his. He slapped it away half heartedly.
“n-no... that’s-he’s not- I-I’m not-“
He began to rip at his hair, his sobs getting louder and more violent. Fear grew inside of you, not knowing how to contain this small man that was so engulfed in despair and grief that he couldn’t see how wonderful he is as a person, not just as a hero.
Toshi got his worth from what he could do for others. He doesn’t feel like he deserves love, especially if he’s not giving it to someone else in just the right way. If he’s not helping anyone, what good is he? And in his smaller form, how could he help anyone?
You grabbed his wrists, making sure he couldn’t hurt himself anymore than he already has.
“Toshinori, please listen to me!” You begged. He went limp. He couldn’t catch his breath, and he was definitely hyperventilating.
“Take some nice, deep breaths for me, okay, sweetie?” You firmly yet sweetly ordered. You set the pace and he followed, his breaths shaky and labored. He calmed down quite a bit, and you loosened your grip on his wrists.
“Do you really love me?” He whimpered quietly.
“Oh, honey... of course I love you. I’ve always loved you, even before I knew who you were. Who you are.”
“You...you were right the first time. Were.”
“No, baby. When you go out in public, people still know you’re All Might, and-“
“Don’t... don’t call me... that name... please, not anymore.”
You didn’t even know how to respond to that. Your heart ached at his pitiful tone.
“Y/n... you don’t know what people... what they say about me now. They laugh and say that I’m just a toothpick. They... they whisper about how I don’t look so good, and about...” he began to cry again. This time, quietly, privately. He curled up into himself, tucking himself away from you and the rest of the world.
“Well, of course people will say things like that,” you began, “did you ever consider that there were some people who criticized All Might, too?”
“Listen, honeybee, people are always going to be saying bullshit like that. No matter who you are. But guess what? There’s always, always going to be more people who are excited to see you, who will always accept you, and who will always see every beautiful gift you have to offer to this world. I know how hard it’s been for you, but you need to know that you’re still so loved, so wanted, so needed in so many people’s lives.”
“Like who? Who could possibly...who could need someone like me?”
“Me. Toshi, I need you here. I love you. We met when you were in this form, in this very body. Don’t you remember?”
He nodded. You wiped away a tear gently.
“I loved you for who you are, not who you were or what you’ve done. For you.”
Shakily, he whispered, “I... I love you, too.”
For the first time that night, he clutched you closer to him. You pulled his head into your chest, as he nestled into you. You couldn’t help but spare a few tears, but he never knew that.
“Are you ready to go to bed?”
He nodded, his grip tightening around your shirt. You helped stand him up on his shakey, baby deer like legs. You led him down the hall, and he paused at the broken photo.
He gestured towards it, mumbling something.
“No, baby, don’t worry about that. I’m going to clean it all up.”
Finally, you arrived at the bed. You pulled back the duvet, readying it for him.
He laid into the soft mattress, sighing in relief.
You tucked him in, standing up. He reached his hand out, begging, “please...don’t leave...me...”
“I’m coming right back, honeydew. I just need to clean up the picture and turn everything off. Okay? Do you need a glass of water or anything?”
He shook his head. “Let... let me clean it up tomorrow, please.”
You ignored all of his pleas for you to leave him be earlier, but something told you that despite his drunken stupor, he really meant this one. You washed your face and tidied up the bathroom, quickly turning off the tv and getting his cards put up, and finally dumping the orange juice cocktail down the sink, along with the rest of the alcohol. Your heart panged, noting the tiny amount remaining in the crystal clear bottle.
Despite him denying his need for water, you brought him a tall glass of ice water along with a smaller glass of ginger ale, as well as a new chilled washcloth.
He was nearly asleep when you got back, but perked up at the sound of your footsteps.
You urged him to drink just a tiny bit of the water, and he obliged. You praised him heavily, placing a kiss on his cheek, before climbing into bed. He turned to face you, pulling you close to him. He kissed you on your forehead before drifting off into a deep, restful sleep.
The next morning, you woke up to an empty bed. You scrambled to get up and rushed into the kitchen, where you found Toshi sipping a modest cup of coffee, the photo of All Might placed in a brand new frame, proudly displayed on the kitchen table.
“Oh, Toshi! You scared me when you weren’t in the bed.”
He looked out the window, sighing deeply. He smiled at you, saying,
“Don’t worry... I am here.”
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twilightmalachite · 3 years ago
The Seven Faces of the Shapeshifting Youkai - Chapter 3
Author: Yuuki Yoshino
Characters: Hinata, Tetora, Tomoya, Sora
Translator: Mika Enstars
Proofers: 310mc & meteorgreen
“T-Tomo-kun...! I’ve been blessed with the bestest friends in the world! Lemme give you a hug to show my thanks~ *squeeeze* ☆”
Season: Summer
Location: Garden Space
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Hinata: Tomo-kun... You’re right, I don’t wanna hide it from my friends.
I talked to Sora-kun about it earlier. I’ve decided to become a good kid who doesn’t cause trouble for others.
Tomoya: Ooh. Well, it sounds nice and all, but why all of a sudden? Did something happen to cause this change of heart?
Hmm~... Was it because of then?
That one time Kunugi-sensei scolded you for staying way past the end of the school day, and then lectured you to write a reflection letter... something like that?
Hinata: How’d you hit the nail on the head like that?!
Tomo-kun, so you could see right through my heart... To think you’d been hiding such an ability all this time…! Ugh, I can never let my guard down around you!
Tomoya: Uh, no, it’s just ‘cause your “I don’t wanna be lectured anymore~, what have I ever done to you? Boo-hoo-hoo~”, fake-cry is so obnoxious that it’s left a huge impression on me recently.
Anyways. Sure, I think it’s a good idea. I’ll be happy to help you become a good kid. ♪
Hinata: T-Tomo-kun...! I’ve been blessed with the bestest friends in the world! Lemme give you a hug to show my thanks~ *squeeeze* ☆
Tomoya: Ack, stop it! It hurts like hell when you hug me so tight!
Tetora: Well Hinata-kun, ya bounced back real fast, y’know? Lookin’ at you now, even I’m sure you’re Hinata-kun!
Hinata: Mmm, I accidentally went straight back to my usual energy.
That just means I’m back to being the Aoi Hinata that everyone has known up ‘til now. I need to start acting like a different person!
Tomoya: Act like a different person... Like, you mean playing the role of someone else entirely?
I gotta do that for the drama club myself, so I’m pretty familiar with this sort of trouble
Tetora: Tomoya-kun, is your drama club senior asking the impossible outta you again? If that’s the case, ya gotta stand up for yourself more, dude!
Tomoya: Hold on a sec. It’s not something tricky like crossdressing this time...
Or, well, actually, I guess it’s pretty difficult to play the role of someone, you know. I was told it can be anyone, at least.
Tetora: Oh, so you just need to decide on who to try and become? That does sound pretty tricky~ Hmm... That means both of ya wanna become someone else, huh?
Tomoya: I’m always having trouble with acting, but isn’t it rather unusual that Hinata’s going through the same thing~?
...Oh, I know! Since Hinata is trying to play the role of a different person, he’s looking to improve his acting too, right?
Hinata: Well, sorta? Tomo-kun, since you’re always practicing your acting, do you have any tips on acting as a “good kid”?
I’m not used to it, so I dunno where to start~!
Tomoya: I don’t know where to start with just “good kid” either! Don’t you have, like, a script or a character description to follow...?
Hinata: How about I become you, then?
I know you well since you’re my classmate—you’re a diligent boy and our class prez, a perfect example of a “good kid”! ♪
Tomoya: You’re going to play as me…?
Now that’s interesting... ♪ In that case, maybe I can play as you!
It sounds like fun, it’ll feel like we’re practicing together, and it should also be easier to work with someone’s image if they’re someone you’re close to... ♪
Hinata: Okie~☆ Then, let’s begin~! ...Oops, I don’t think that was very Tomo-kun-like?
Hmm, I’ll do my best. Starting now, I’m Mashiro Tomoya...♪
Sora: HiHi~, Hina-chan’s Tomo-chan now? Tomo-chan has the color of freshly washed laundry!
But Hina-chan’s color is a teensy bit different~?
Tetora: Freshly washed... laundry?
Oh, like pure white! Tomoya-kun’s last name is Mashiro, so it fits him perfectly.
Hinata: Sora-kun—Harukawa recognizes sounds and smells by their colors. That, and he can see the colors that people radiate.
No matter how much you fake your outward appearance, you can’t hide what’s inside.
If Harukawa declares that I’m “Tomo-chan,” then it means I was successful.
Tetora: Hahah, Harukawa-kun’s pretty amazing, isn’t he.
Aight, I’ll point out anything I can see.
I can’t see auras, though... Can we leave it to Harukawa-kun to judge the inside stuff?
Hinata: Sure. Tomo—Hinata, you good with that?
Tomoya: N-No problem here~!
Tetora: Tomoya-kun... No, Hinata-kun? Hinata-kun, your smile’s real awkward. It looks like you’re forcing yourself to act.
Tomoya: Ugh... You’re right, sorry.
I’ll try to remember a bit more about how Hinata usually behaves and speaks, so give me a moment.
Tetora: So, Tomoya-kun? Think ya can play as Hinata-kun?
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Tomoya: ’Course not, Tetsu-kun. There’s nothing to play as, I’m already Hinata~♪ Have you forgotten~? Aren’tcha heartless~♪
Tetora: Ack, please stop poking me with your elbows, Hinata-kun!
Tomoya: Alright, alright. Take it from me, don’t say things like “play as”, ‘kay? ’Cuz I’m the one and only “Aoi Hinata”~♪
Tetora: Ooh! It’s just like the real thing, isn’t it! Sora-kun[1], moment of truth, how’s it lookin’ on the inside?
Sora: HuHu~, Hina-chan, but also not Hina-chan~.
Sora feels like both are forcing themselves to try and get closer to each other’s colors~
Tetora: Ummm, so they haven’t turned into each other on the inside yet?
Oh well, I’m sure they’ll get there in due time. Even if it’s just for today, do your best to try and become each other! ♪
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There’s a writer's error here, where in the original script, Tetora refers to Sora as “Sora-kun”, instead of the usual “Harukawa-kun”.
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multiplefandomsblog · 4 years ago
request; Can I get an imagine with Kokichi with an artist S/O who wants to paint him but he keeps flustering them with suggestions of a nude painting of him?
warnings; kind of suggestive, mention of nudity, cussing, mutual pining i think, i made it kinda crack fic, reader has an ultimate talent(artist), not edited too well, ended it weird like always, kissing, lowkey making out tho- 
note; wow i wrote way too much- but hey, i still hope you enjoy this!
word count; 1.9k+
You walked around the school, looking for Kokichi to ask him to be your model.
Although you have sketched Kokichi several times before, you felt you needed to ask him face-to-face so he could just stay still in his goddamn chair instead of changing positions every 5 seconds and ruining your half-done sketch. And so, you went off to go find the boy, finding it surprisingly hard to catch him. 
“There you are! I was looking for you-” You puffed out a sigh of relief, clutching your art supplies close to you as you saw your purple-haired classmate. Not a second after he caught sight of your figure jogging towards him, he had started taunting you. 
“Oooooh, hey S/o, you seem mighty happy to see me, hm? I wonder why that is…” He took a funny-looking step towards you, voice laced with an interrogating tone.
He had that strange smirk on his face, and not the one you liked. N-not that you liked his smile! In consequence of staring at him and sketching him constantly without his knowledge—or so you thought—, you have become almost a master of reading his mood and expressions. 
“Don’t get any wrong ideas, I just wanted to ask you if I could paint you.” For a small moment you swore you could see his expression twist into one of shock, before quickly melting back into his shit-eating grin. “Well of course you would! I’m the ultimate supreme leader, after all.” He acted as if he wasn’t just gob-smacked a second ago.
You beamed up at him, you had been in a small art block for a while and the moment you saw Kokichi, you knew he would be the cure to it. And so, you were ecstatic when he said what he said, “So you’ll do it?” You jumped a little too high, and spoke a little too eagerly.
“Mhm! —but with a catch, of course.” Your face dropped, you should’ve known the little fucker would try and get something out of you. “Nishishi!”
Unsure if you even wanted to know, you asked carefully, “W-what’s the catch..?” Your voice laced with caution, brain suddenly being reminded of all the pranks and blackmail he had fucked everyone else over with in the past. Knowing him, it could vary from, ‘Eat a bug.’ to, ‘Survive a knife game against me!’ 
But what he said was definitely worse than the former, and the latter. 
“You have to paint me fully-nude.”
… It was suddenly very quiet, the echo of his insane remark, bouncing off the walls. The silence mostly coming from your side—then again, what did you expect? Painting Kokichi would mean the end of your art block and a painting of Kokichi, like, c’mon, but painting Kokichi nude would mean- Well, you weren’t sure what it meant; hence, the silence.
Impatient and somewhat annoyed by the silence, he poked at your shoulder, “So? Are you gonna paint me naked or not?” You stared at your shoes, too afraid to make eye contact with the boy you were now thinking of... naked. 
“... C-can’t I just paint you normally?” He pouted, a comedically high whine erupting from his throat as he replied, “But that’s no fuuuuuun!” 
“Don’t you want to see your ultimate supreme leader, whipping out his wang?-” You shoved his face away from your warm one, “Y… I mean n-no, no!” Your tone weak before getting loud and defensive as you caught yourself before all hell broke loose. 
You felt your stomach drop as you thought about the possibility of Kokichi knowing you wanted to see him, and I quote, ‘Whipping out his wang’, Kokichi would never let that one go. 
“Aw man, well I guess you don’t wanna paint me theeeen.” He slowly stepped away, a pout on his face as his back faced towards you. He hummed circus music as he teetered on his feet, balancing on one foot at once as he ‘walked’ away from you agonizingly slow, obviously waiting for you to tell him to come back. 
“Koki-” In a flash, Kokichi had been by your side, dragging your hand to god knows where. “You have me convinced! I’ll let you paint me because I’m suuuuuch a nice guy. Nishishi!” Although you should’ve asked where the both of you were going, you felt knowing the catch was more important, “B-but what’s the catch?” 
Kokichi kept at his speedy pace, yet he answered with a voice that still had so much energy in it, “Aww, I’m hurt you think there’s a catch, do you not trust me that much?”
“Meanie... but yeah, you were right to suspect me. The catch is.... “ He drum-rolled on your palm, “You just have to kiss me for payment!” He slowed down a bit to send a cheeky smile your way. You almost tripped on your feet as you heard him, “What!? Bu-” 
Kokichi quickly interrupted you, “Uh-uh, don’t try to pretend you don’t wanna. I know you have nooooo problem kissing those little sketches of me when you think no one is looking~” His voice quieted down sinisterly as he spoke, the evil smile spreading across his face once more. Although he had been wearing an extremely thick mask of a smile to hide his true feelings, anyone would’ve noticed that small blush on his upper right cheek. Anyone.
“You saw that?” Kokichi cackled at your agitated and flustered face, “Nishishi! Don’t worry, I’m the only one that knows. After all, no one finds you interesting enough to actually notice that.” You furrowed your brow at the subtle hint he had given you, “But you did-” 
Kokichi put on a teasing smile this time, “That was a lie! I didn’t see anything with my own eyes, I just assumed you have and so you helped me confirm it! Nice job on fucking yourself over, S/o! Nishishi~!” You rolled your eyes, you liked this guy?
Well anyways, it didn’t seem to matter whether you questioned your feelings for the liar, as you finally made it to where Kokichi had been dragging you to. You watched as Kokichi skipped away from you and hopped on the bench, surrounded by moss and other wild plants. 
“Ta-da! When I first saw this place, I immediately thought of you! You know, because you’re a nerd who likes cliché art settings.” He grinned, posing on top of the bench, “How’s this? Nishishi! Don’t answer that, I know this is perfect.”
 ... He looked like an idiot. But a cute idiot.
Suppressing a laugh, you gestured downwards to guide him down from his strange pose, “U-uh, maybe you could just, sit down? Like a normal person, I mean.” He sneered at you, before reluctantly sitting down, “You’re so boring.” The way he sat on the bench reminded you of a child who had just gotten denied candy. 
Smiling in relief, you quickly took a seat on the bench opposite to him, bringing out your supplies excitedly. Despite the pout on Kokichi’s face, and the grudge he wanted to keep, the way you so excitedly took out your canvas made his heart melt as well as his attitude. 
In the corner of your eye, you swore you could see Kokichi’s genuine smile, albeit it was lopsided but it still made you flush. Without thinking, you spoke, tilting your head upwards to look at him better, “You should smile more, you’re really pretty like that.” He… his mind blanked for a second, his façade fading away slightly to reveal a genuine expression of shock.
He quickly gained his composure back, “Um, okay? I always smile, are you blind?” Despite his passive-aggressive reply, you couldn’t find any reason to be mad, although you should’ve been. You smiled fondly and shook your head, diving back into concentration towards your canvas.
After an hour of pointless conversation, flirting, and calculated strokes of your brush, you were satisfied with the result. “... Alright, I’m done.” Kokichi sighed exasperatedly as he stood up and stretched, “Finally! I was afraid my limbs were going to freeze forever in that position.” You stared at him accusingly, “You didn’t even stay still the entire time. At one point, you did a fucking cartwheel-” 
Kokichi slid on over you, leaning over your seated figure to peak at the painting of him. “Lemme see!” He reached for the painting with his pale hands, causing you to jerk the painting away from his reach. “It’s not dry yet! Just look, don’t touch.” You scolded, unamused by his pouty expression. “You’re no fun S/o-chan, but okay. I know how much you like to be in charge~” He teased, before finally laying his eyes on the painting he stayed still one whole hour for. 
You felt your anxiety rise at his silence, “... Well, d-do you like it?” Although you were pretty confident in your ultimate talent and skills, for some odd reason, you felt extremely nervous when you showed it to Kokichi. 
You were confused as to why your hands were shaking, you’ve shown your artwork to galleries, museums, the harshest art critics in the world! So why the hell did it matter so much to you if this one boy liked it or not?
“I think it looks super handsome! And by it, I mean me. Nishishi!” He grinned, “I look good in everything after all.” You scoffed, you couldn’t believe you actually expected a genuine compliment from Kokichi, of all people. 
“Hey so, it’s time for your payment you know?” Payment... what? You looked up at him in confusion, big fat crocodile tears sprung out from his eyes, “Waaaah! I can’t believe S/o forgot our deal!” You flushed again as you were suddenly reminded of the kiss. 
You sighed tiredly, “You were serious?” He glared at you, “I’m always serious!” You gave him an accusing look that screamed, ‘You know that’s bullshit.’ But sighed defeatedly for what seemed like the umpteenth time. As you stood up to walk up to him, you set your painting down nearby.
Squirming underneath his expectant gaze, you leaned in torturously slow until your noses were nearly touching, your eyes were glued to his lips nervously. You kind of just… stood there, waiting. Waiting for him to take initiative, as he usually does. “... You know, You’re kissing me, right? Not the other way around.” His voice was lower, quieter than usual, and you could feel his breath within each word.
He smirked at your awkward shuffle towards him, finding your averting eyes and flushed face extremely endearing. Though Kokichi would never admit it, deep down he was nervous too- But of course, he refused to ever admit that reality. Even to himself. 
“I-I know that! I was just… preparing.” He hummed a skeptical ‘Okay’, standing patiently for the kiss you owed him. Letting out a shaky breath, you quickly pressed your lips on his, before immediately pulling away. Well, you tried pulling away. Kokichi gripped your collar, eagerly going in for more. His lips enveloped yours roughly, he could feel you trying to back away and so he just decided he had to go even harder. 
Once he pulled away, he saw your lips puffy and swollen, and face completely dazed. You wanted to ask him why he stopped but he interrupted you before you could, “You know, I never said you had to kiss my lips, pervert〜” Your eyes widened at his statement, “It seems you’ve been wanting this for a while, huh?” You didn’t say anything, only fuelling his fire. 
“Nishishi! You’re so obsessed with me, it’s adorable~” You took a defensive step back, “I-I am not!” He suddenly leaned his face dangerously close to yours, grinning sadistically as he heard your whimper. “You shouldn’t lie, you know? Especially not to me.” He leaned in next to your ear, catching your earlobe between his teeth and biting gently. 
“Anyway!” You snapped out your daze as he barked suddenly, “The nude painting offer still stands, you know!” He yelled out, walking away from you, strangely.
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jgvfhl · 4 years ago
can you indulge me with some Din calling me cyare 🥰
please and thank you 😘
HELLO YES I WILL INDULGE 💙💙💙 Din is a delight to write 😊 This one is kiiiiinda long compared to the other blurbs buuuut I think it's all worth it. Also I just couldn't keep away from Boba's vague older brother energy so yeah 👍
I'm going on vacation for a bit, so I won't be answering requests for a couple weeks (i know there's one in the inbox). But I'll be havin lots of funnnn 😋
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Perhaps it was the Powers That Be trying to send some message, but all Din had noticed was his ability to stumble into people who all got along with each other and took it upon themselves to take jabs at him. Ever since Grogu, a small collection of such people had sprung up around them. You were the most recent development. Din hadn’t really had friends outside of the Covert for so long, let alone anyone he might, maybe, possibly, yeah, probably did care for more strongly. He still didn’t quite know what to do about it, let alone how to tell if you had any interest in return. You weren’t Mandalorian. You were a mechanic. A damn good one, Din would admit, but he couldn’t exactly woo you with armor or sparring or hunting.
Slave I touched down behind the palace in the usual cloud of sand and dust. Unsurprisingly, Fett was waiting not too far off, probably making sure Din hadn’t wrecked his ship on his first solo hunt with her since Grogu had gone with the Jedi. (The famous Jedi. Apparently.) Maybe that’s why you were standing next to him--to make note of what needed fixing. He was pretty sure nothing needed fixing.
You were beaming at him as he approached, and it was making his stomach feel like he’d just left hyperspace without warning. You were just so… bright. Even now, when you’d clearly been working not long ago, your coveralls dusty and smeared with oil, and strands of hair sticking to your forehead.
Fett suddenly reached over and flicked the side of his helmet.
Din flinched back more from surprise than anything. “Hey! What?”
“I was thanking you for returning my ship in one piece, if you were listening.” His tone carried an amused smile that Din could read even through his visor.
“It was an easy job,” Din replied.
“Yeah, well,” you began, a small smirk on your face, “considering the number of times I patched up the Crest before, I think Boba had his reasons to be concerned.”
Din glanced between them. “When did you two get on a first-name basis?”
You shrugged. “Like two days ago, we were gossiping.”
“You were what?”
“Gossiping,” Fett repeated, like it was nothing.
Din blinked behind his visor, staring first at Fett’s impassive posture, then to you, and your slowly growing smile.
Suddenly, you perked up, stepping forward and grabbing his arm. “Oh! I wanna show you my new project!” You started dragging him towards one of the palace’s many hangars, and Din found he had no qualms letting you drag him, but Fett called your name. You stopped so abruptly, he stumbled trying not to run you over, only succeeding in bumping into you like an idiot, his hands finding your shoulders to steady you both. You just gripped his arm tighter and smiled up at him. He reminded himself to breathe.
“I have something I need to discuss with him,” Fett told you. “It won’t take long, you can go on ahead.”
You rolled your eyes a little. “Fiiiine.” Looking back up at him, you lowered your voice. “It’s a really cool project, just ditch him if you have to.” Din was sorely tempted. You slipped out of his hands and jogged off towards the hangar.
Din watched you until Fett appeared in his periphery. He turned his attention to the other hunter. “What did you want to discuss?”
“Do you know how much she talks about you?”
There was a beat of silence. “Uh… what?”
“It’s like you never left: ‘Din’s so good at this, Din took such-and-such a bounty, Din’s probably the handsomest man in the damn galaxy under all that metal--”
“She didn’t say that.”
Fett scoffed. “So what if she didn’t? You don’t want her thinking you’re handsome?”
Smug bastard. Din’s face was probably redder than Fett’s vambraces at this point, and Fett knew enough to know that. “Look--do you--can you just get to your point?” he huffed, shifting his feet and trying not to stare at your distant figure at work in the hangar.
“My point is she likes you.” Fett moved so he was facing Din. “Would you please,” he said, pressing his palms together, “do something about it? I know you’ve got eyes on her, I’m not stupid, Djarin.”
When Din didn’t respond right away, he went on.
“I even made your job easier: I taught her some Mando’a, I told her what I know about Mandalorian--” he gestured vaguely-- "stuff.”
“That--” Din mimicked the gesture-- “doesn’t fill me with confidence.”
Fett rolled his eyes, Din could tell from his posture. “She asked first, don’t kill the messenger, Djarin. Just do something about it, or I’ll turn it around and sic her on you.” With that, he turned away and started back towards the main body of the palace.
Din sighed, his gaze drifting back to you in the hangar. He really hated how often Fett was right. He shook his head, still feeling a residual blush on his cheeks--at least you wouldn’t see it--and began walking over to the hangar.
You turned another brilliant smile on him as soon as you caught sight of him. You pulled yourself out from under a land speeder. “Din! Lemme show you.” You gestured for him to sit next to you on the ground, which he did.
“Um--can I… ask you something first?”
You looked at him, and the brief silence was almost as oppressive as Tatooine’s heat. “Yeah, sure,” you nodded.
“Fett mentioned he’d taught you some Mando’a?”
“Oh, yeah!” He loved seeing your fact light up like that. “Yeah, I was… kinda curious, I guess. He only taught me a few words, though.”
“Did he, uh…” Din swallowed, flicking dust off his boots. “Did he teach you the word cyare?”
You repeated the word, and Din swore his heart nearly broke his ribs beating as hard as it was. But you shook your head, your brow scrunched. “No, I don’t remember that one. What is it?”
“It means… ‘beloved.’”
You smiled at him, resting your elbow on your knee to cup your chin with a hand. “Yeah?” There was a glint in your eyes, a subtle challenge.
“Why’d you choose that word?”
Din swallowed again, absolutely incapable of taking his eyes off you. “Can I… call you that?”
There was a smug look to your smile now. “Only if you mean it,” you told him.
“I mean it.” Maker, he really meant it. “Cyare.”
@darth-void @blsmjoon
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